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SS3 third Term history past questions and answers

SS3 third Term history past questions and answers

Question: What was the primary cause of the Peloponnesian War in ancient Greece?

A) Territorial disputes
B) Economic inequality
C) Sparta's fear of Athenian power
D) Religious conflicts
Answer: C) Sparta's fear of Athenian power

Question: Who was the famous explorer who completed the first successful expedition to circumnavigate the Earth?

A) Ferdinand Magellan
B) Christopher Columbus
C) Marco Polo
D) Vasco da Gama
Answer: A) Ferdinand Magellan

Question: What was the primary cause of the War of the Roses in 15th century England?

A) Religious conflicts
B) Dynastic disputes
C) Economic inequality
D) Invasion by the French
Answer: B) Dynastic disputes

Question: Who was the military leader known for his role in the unification of Italy in the 19th century?

A) Giuseppe Garibaldi
B) Giuseppe Mazzini
C) Victor Emmanuel II
D) Benito Mussolini
Answer: A) Giuseppe Garibaldi

Question: What event marked the beginning of the Great Depression in the 1930s?

A) Stock market crash of 1929
B) Treaty of Versailles
C) Russian Revolution
D) Prohibition era
Answer: A) Stock market crash of 1929

Question: Who was the Aztec ruler at the time of the Spanish conquest led by Hernán Cortés?

A) Moctezuma II
B) Cuauhtémoc
C) Montezuma I
D) Atahualpa
Answer: A) Moctezuma II

Question: What was the main cause of the Vietnam War in the mid-20th century?

A) Ideological differences
B) Economic inequality
C) Territorial disputes
D) Korean War aftermath
Answer: A) Ideological differences

Question: Who was the architect of Persepolis, the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire?

A) Darius I
B) Xerxes I
C) Cyrus the Great
D) Artaxerxes I
Answer: A) Darius I

Question: What was the primary cause of the Russian Revolution in 1917?

A) Economic inequality
B) Communist ideology
C) Tsarist autocracy
D) Foreign invasion
Answer: A) Economic inequality

Question: Who was the ancient Egyptian pharaoh known for her extensive building projects and monuments?

A) Hatshepsut
B) Cleopatra
C) Ramses II
D) Tutankhamun
Answer: A) Hatshepsut

Question: What was the primary cause of the Spanish Inquisition in the late 15th century?

A) Religious conflicts
B) Exploration of the New World
C) Reconquista
D) Cultural Renaissance
Answer: A) Religious conflicts

Question: Who was the leader of the Zionist movement advocating for the establishment of a Jewish state?

A) Theodor Herzl
B) David Ben-Gurion
C) Golda Meir
D) Chaim Weizmann
Answer: A) Theodor Herzl

Question: What was the primary cause of the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage?

A) Territorial disputes in North Africa
B) Control of trade routes
C) Cultural differences
D) Religious conflicts
Answer: B) Control of trade routes

Question: Who was the military commander and statesman responsible for the reunification of Germany in 1871?

A) Otto von Bismarck
B) Wilhelm I
C) Frederick the Great
D) Kaiser Wilhelm II
Answer: A) Otto von Bismarck

Question: What was the main cause of the War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain?

A) Impressment of American sailors
B) Annexation of Texas
C) Louisiana Purchase
D) Mexican-American War
Answer: A) Impressment of American sailors

Question: Who was the leader of the American civil rights movement and is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience?

A) Martin Luther King Jr.
B) Malcolm X
C) Rosa Parks
D) W.E.B. Du Bois
Answer: A) Martin Luther King Jr.

Question: What was the primary cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962?

A) Soviet invasion of Cuba
B) U.S. invasion of Cuba
C) Installation of nuclear missiles in Cuba
D) Cuban blockade
Answer: C) Installation of nuclear missiles in Cuba

Question: Who was the medieval English king associated with the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215?

A) Richard the Lionheart
B) Henry II
C) John Lackland
D) Edward I
Answer: C) John Lackland

Question: What was the main cause of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917?

A) Economic inequality
B) Foreign invasion
C) Tsarist autocracy
D) Religious conflicts
Answer: C) Tsarist autocracy

Question: Who was the first female pharaoh of ancient Egypt, known for her association with the sun god Ra?

A) Nefertiti
B) Hatshepsut
C) Cleopatra
D) Merneith
Answer: B) Hatshepsut


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