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SS2 second Term civic Education Past Questions and Answers

SS2 second Term civic Education Past Questions and Answers

Civic education questions with options and answers:

Question: What is the purpose of a bill in the legislative process?

a) To become a law after presidential approval
b) To declare war
c) To propose a budget
d) To appoint judges

Answer: a) To become a law after presidential approval

Question: Which principle suggests that all individuals are equal before the law?

a) Rule of Law
b) Rule of Majority
c) Rule of Force
d) Rule of Secrecy

Answer: a) Rule of Law

Question: In a direct democracy, how are decisions typically made?

a) By elected representatives
b) By a monarch
c) By a popular vote of the citizens
d) By military leaders

Answer: c) By a popular vote of the citizens

Question: What is the role of a lobbyist in the political process?

a) To enforce laws
b) To influence or persuade government officials on behalf of a particular interest group
c) To interpret laws
d) To conduct elections

Answer: b) To influence or persuade government officials on behalf of a particular interest group

Question: What is the significance of the 19th Amendment in the United States?

a) It abolished slavery
b) It granted women the right to vote
c) It established the Bill of Rights
d) It lowered the voting age to 18

Answer: b) It granted women the right to vote

Question: What is the primary responsibility of the executive branch in a parliamentary system?

a) To make laws
b) To enforce laws
c) To interpret laws
d) To review laws

Answer: b) To enforce laws

Question: Which term refers to a system of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or a single entity?

a) Democracy
b) Oligarchy
c) Republic
d) Plutocracy

Answer: b) Oligarchy

Question: What is the purpose of a referendum in a democratic system?

a) To elect a president
b) To amend the constitution
c) To appoint judges
d) To declare war

Answer: b) To amend the constitution

Question: In the context of international relations, what does diplomacy involve?

a) Military interventions
b) Negotiations and communication between countries
c) Economic sanctions
d) Espionage

Answer: b) Negotiations and communication between countries

Question: What is the role of the media in a democratic society?

a) To control the government
b) To serve as a propaganda tool for the ruling party
c) To inform the public and act as a watchdog on government activities
d) To appoint government officials

Answer: c) To inform the public and act as a watchdog on government activities

Question: What is the purpose of the electoral college in the U.S. presidential election?

a) To directly elect the president
b) To advise the president on foreign policy
c) To select the vice president
d) To represent the popular vote in each state

Answer: d) To represent the popular vote in each state

Question: What is the significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

a) It establishes a world government
b) It outlines fundamental rights and freedoms for all individuals
c) It creates a global military alliance
d) It defines economic policies for member countries

Answer: b) It outlines fundamental rights and freedoms for all individuals

Question: What is the role of the judiciary in interpreting laws?

a) To enforce laws
b) To make laws
c) To review laws
d) To interpret and apply laws

Answer: d) To interpret and apply laws

Question: What is the purpose of the United Nations Security Council?

a) To promote economic cooperation
b) To address global health issues
c) To maintain international peace and security
d) To regulate international trade

Answer: c) To maintain international peace and security

Question: Which term describes a system of government in which power is inherited within a family?

a) Democracy
b) Oligarchy
c) Monarchy
d) Republic

Answer: c) Monarchy

Question: What is the primary function of a constitution in a country?

a) To control the media
b) To establish a military alliance
c) To serve as the supreme law and framework for government
d) To promote a specific ideology

Answer: c) To serve as the supreme law and framework for government

Question: What is the purpose of an impeachment process in a government?

a) To appoint judges
b) To remove a president or other high official from office for misconduct
c) To declare a state of emergency
d) To interpret laws

Answer: b) To remove a president or other high official from office for misconduct

Question: What is the significance of the Magna Carta in the history of governance?

a) It established the first democratic government
b) It limited the power of the monarch and influenced the development of constitutional government
c) It created the first constitution
d) It abolished feudalism

Answer: b) It limited the power of the monarch and influenced the development of constitutional government

Question: What is the purpose of the World Health Organization (WHO)?

a) To promote global economic cooperation
b) To regulate international trade
c) To address global health issues
d) To control military interventions

Answer: c) To address global health issues

Question: In a federal system, what powers are shared by both the national and state governments?

a) Reserved powers
b) Concurrent powers
c) Delegated powers
d) Exclusive powers

Answer: b) Concurrent powers


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