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SS1 second Term civic Education Past Questions and Answers

SS1 second Term civic Education Past Questions and Answers

Here they are;

Question: In a democracy, what is the purpose of the separation of powers among the three branches of government?

A) To concentrate power in the executive branch
B) To create conflicts among branches
C) To prevent abuse of power and maintain a system of checks and balances
D) To allow the military to control the government
Answer: C) To prevent abuse of power and maintain a system of checks and balances

Question: What is the significance of the freedom of the press in a democratic society?

A) To promote censorship
B) To control public opinion
C) To allow the media to spread misinformation
D) To ensure the public has access to diverse and accurate information
Answer: D) To ensure the public has access to diverse and accurate information

Question: Why is it important for citizens to participate in community service?

A) To avoid paying taxes
B) To fulfill a legal obligation
C) To contribute to the well-being of the community
D) To gain political power
Answer: C) To contribute to the well-being of the community

Question: What is the purpose of local government in a country?

A) To focus on international affairs
B) To regulate national businesses
C) To address the needs of a specific geographic area and its residents
D) To control the military
Answer: C) To address the needs of a specific geographic area and its residents

Question: What does the term "human rights" encompass?

A) Rights only for certain individuals
B) Rights for non-citizens
C) Fundamental rights and freedoms inherent to all human beings
D) Rights limited to a specific religion
Answer: C) Fundamental rights and freedoms inherent to all human beings

Question: How does civic education contribute to the development of responsible citizens?

A) By promoting ignorance
B) By discouraging civic engagement
C) By providing knowledge about rights and responsibilities
D) By advocating for authoritarian rule
Answer: C) By providing knowledge about rights and responsibilities

Question: What is the role of a constitution in times of crisis or emergency?

A) To suspend all rights
B) To provide a framework for government action while still protecting fundamental rights
C) To eliminate elections
D) To empower the military to take control
Answer: B) To provide a framework for government action while still protecting fundamental rights

Question: How does a democratic government derive its authority?

A) From military power
B) From the people through fair and free elections
C) From foreign governments
D) From economic wealth
Answer: B) From the people through fair and free elections

Question: What is the purpose of the electoral system in a democracy?

A) To discourage voting
B) To ensure one-party rule
C) To facilitate the selection of representatives through fair and transparent voting processes
D) To promote corruption
Answer: C) To facilitate the selection of representatives through fair and transparent voting processes

Question: How does civic education contribute to the prevention of corruption in society?

A) By promoting secrecy
B) By encouraging dishonesty
C) By fostering transparency and ethical behavior
D) By advocating for a lack of accountability
Answer: C) By fostering transparency and ethical behavior

Question: What is the significance of the right to privacy in a democratic society?

A) To allow government surveillance
B) To protect individuals from unwarranted intrusion into their personal lives
C) To promote gossip
D) To enable discrimination
Answer: B) To protect individuals from unwarranted intrusion into their personal lives

Question: Why is it important for citizens to be informed about current events and government policies?

A) To spread misinformation
B) To create confusion
C) To make informed decisions and participate meaningfully in the democratic process
D) To ignore government actions
Answer: C) To make informed decisions and participate meaningfully in the democratic process

Question: What is the purpose of public education in a democracy?

A) To indoctrinate citizens with specific political beliefs
B) To limit access to education
C) To empower a select group of individuals
D) To provide equal opportunities for all citizens to acquire knowledge and skills
Answer: D) To provide equal opportunities for all citizens to acquire knowledge and skills

Question: How does the concept of justice relate to civic education?

A) By promoting injustice
B) By encouraging discrimination
C) By fostering a fair and equitable society
D) By undermining the legal system
Answer: C) By fostering a fair and equitable society

Question: What is the role of citizens in holding their government accountable?

A) To ignore government actions
B) To promote corruption
C) To actively participate, voice concerns, and demand transparency
D) To rely solely on the military for accountability
Answer: C) To actively participate, voice concerns, and demand transparency


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