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If You Have a BVN and It is Linked To Your SIM Card, Please Read This For Your Own Good

If You Have a BVN and It is Linked To Your SIM Card, Please Read This For Your Own Good

If You Have a BVN and It is Linked To Your SIM Card, Please Read This For Your Own Good

Activating the BVN, known as the verification number, of a bank account is one of the few ways anyone can prevent their money from being stolen. A very high amount that can be used by fraudsters to steal money from your bank account. If you own a Nokia mobile phone that is connected with some SIM cards, then it is very risky to lose such a SIM card from your phone. With so many people gaining access to their users' numbers it can be very dangerous, but the danger goes beyond that. It is also impossible to restrict your phone number from certain websites. Simply, it is because of that reason that it is advisable never to reveal your BVN that has been connected to your SIM card. Criminals have done been able to create fake websites that look like they may help gain loans or double your money. The only catch is that they will usually ask for your BVN, credit card number, phone number, and address available on your personal information (PII). Any of these pages are illegally being sold. You will be wise to beware of places that do not have the letter “S” as part of the HTTP/www. Safe web pages typically have the HTTPS://, and the S is for security. He gets your number and calls you. He then convinces you to give him more credit or changes that you make on your account and gives you bad advice as to how to fix it. He then asks for more money. They have access to your date of birth by looking at your Facebook profile. Any real person would ask for a number to confirm the validity of their intentions. If they call you, they may then ask for your BVN number which you may have linked to your account number from when you submitted your EOB. You may be moved from the queue for a new call. It appears to be utterly impractical. If you find an issue with your bank account, it is advisable to talk to a teller or official at the bank about how to deal with the problem. If you get a phone call from someone saying you have a problem with your bank, it's better to go and see the bank manager fix the issue, unless you want to deal with fraud.


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