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SS2 second Term geography past questions and answers

SS2 second Term geography past questions and answers

SS2 geography questions:

Question: What is the term for the process of changing atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can absorb?

a) Nitrogen fixation
b) Photosynthesis
c) Denitrification
d) Nitrogen assimilation
Answer: a) Nitrogen fixation
Question: Which of the following is a characteristic feature of a delta landform?

a) Steep cliffs
b) U-shaped valleys
c) Elevated plateaus
d) River sediment deposition
Answer: d) River sediment deposition
Question: The concept of continental drift is associated with which scientist?

a) Alfred Wegener
b) Charles Darwin
c) James Hutton
d) Alexander von Humboldt
Answer: a) Alfred Wegener
Question: What is the primary factor influencing the climate of a region?

a) Latitude
b) Altitude
c) Longitude
d) Wind direction
Answer: a) Latitude
Question: The term "biome" refers to a large geographic biotic unit, characterized by:

a) Climate and vegetation
b) Soil composition
c) Altitude and temperature
d) Human population density
Answer: a) Climate and vegetation
Question: Which type of volcano is characterized by frequent, explosive eruptions?

a) Shield volcano
b) Stratovolcano
c) Cinder cone volcano
d) Caldera volcano
Answer: b) Stratovolcano
Question: The process of soil formation involving the accumulation of organic matter is known as:

a) Podzolization
b) Laterization
c) Pedogenesis
d) Humification
Answer: d) Humification
Question: What is the name of the layer of permanently frozen soil found in the tundra region?

a) Permafrost
b) Oxisol
c) Chernozem
d) Gelisol
Answer: a) Permafrost
Question: Which of the following rivers is the longest in the world?

a) Nile
b) Amazon
c) Yangtze
d) Mississippi
Answer: b) Amazon
Question: What type of map would be most useful for showing elevation changes in a mountainous region?

a) Political map
b) Topographic map
c) Climatic map
d) Road map
Answer: b) Topographic map
Question: The process of removing salt from seawater to make it suitable for human consumption is known as:

a) Desalination
b) Distillation
c) Filtration
d) Purification
Answer: a) Desalination
Question: Which layer of the atmosphere is closest to space and where meteors burn up upon entering?

a) Troposphere
b) Mesosphere
c) Thermosphere
d) Exosphere
Answer: d) Exosphere
Question: In which ocean would you find the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the world's oceans?

a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Indian Ocean
c) Southern Ocean
d) Pacific Ocean
Answer: d) Pacific Ocean
Question: What is the term for the process of a gas changing into a liquid?

a) Condensation
b) Vaporization
c) Sublimation
d) Melting
Answer: a) Condensation
Question: The concept of the "Greenhouse Effect" is associated with the trapping of:

a) Oxygen
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Methane
Answer: b) Carbon dioxide
Question: Which desert is known as the largest hot desert in the world?

a) Sahara Desert
b) Arabian Desert
c) Gobi Desert
d) Kalahari Desert
Answer: a) Sahara Desert
Question: What is the primary factor influencing the formation of soil horizons?

a) Climate
b) Vegetation
c) Topography
d) Parent material
Answer: a) Climate
Question: Which type of precipitation is associated with freezing rain?

a) Hail
b) Sleet
c) Snow
d) Drizzle
Answer: b) Sleet
Question: The term "tectonic plates" refers to:

a) Giant rock formations
b) Sections of the Earth's lithosphere
c) Layers of the atmosphere
d) Ocean currents
Answer: b) Sections of the Earth's lithosphere
Question: Which of the following is an example of a landform created by glacial erosion?

a) Sand dune
b) Moraine
c) Karst landscape
d) Mesa
Answer: b) Moraine


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