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SS2 second Term fishery past questions and answers

SS2 second Term fishery past questions and answers

SS2 fishery exam questions with options and answers:

Question: What is a fish aggregating device (FAD) commonly used for in fisheries?

A) Attracting predators
B) Monitoring water temperature
C) Concentrating fish for easier catch
D) Filtering water contaminants
Answer: C) Concentrating fish for easier catch
Question: Which type of fishing gear uses a cone-shaped net to trap fish as they swim into it?

A) Seine net
B) Trawl net
C) Purse seine
D) Cast net
Answer: C) Purse seine
Question: What is the term for the process of raising fish in freshwater and then transferring them to saltwater for further growth?

A) Monoculture
B) Polyculture
C) Anadromous
D) Catadromous
Answer: C) Anadromous
Question: Which environmental factor is crucial for the successful cultivation of brackish-water species in aquaculture?

A) High salinity
B) Low temperature
C) Acidic pH
D) Turbid water
Answer: A) High salinity
Question: What is the primary function of the swim bladder in fish?

A) Buoyancy control
B) Digestion
C) Reproduction
D) Oxygen absorption
Answer: A) Buoyancy control
Question: In aquaculture, what does the term "fingerling" refer to?

A) Small fish
B) Fish eggs
C) Fish larvae
D) Juvenile fish
Answer: D) Juvenile fish
Question: Which fish disease is characterized by inflammation of the skin and fins?

A) Dropsy
B) Ichthyophthirius
C) Furunculosis
D) Columnaris
Answer: D) Columnaris
Question: What is the primary purpose of using aeration systems in aquaculture ponds?

A) Enhancing fish growth
B) Increasing water temperature
C) Improving dissolved oxygen levels
D) Preventing algal blooms
Answer: C) Improving dissolved oxygen levels
Question: Which nutrient is essential for promoting healthy bone development in fish?

A) Vitamin C
B) Calcium
C) Iron
D) Vitamin D
Answer: B) Calcium
Question: What is the term for the process of providing supplementary feed to enhance fish growth in aquaculture?

A) Weeding
B) Fertilization
C) Feeding
D) Grading
Answer: C) Feeding
Question: Which type of aquaculture system involves the cultivation of fish and plants together in a symbiotic environment?

A) Hydroponics
B) Polyculture
C) Monoculture
D) Aquaponics
Answer: D) Aquaponics
Question: What is the primary function of the lateral line in fish?

A) Smelling
B) Hearing
C) Detecting pressure changes in the water
D) Vision
Answer: C) Detecting pressure changes in the water
Question: Which fishing method uses a cone-shaped net with wings on either side to encircle fish?

A) Purse seining
B) Trawling
C) Gill netting
D) Longlining
Answer: A) Purse seining
Question: What is the term for the process of removing unwanted aquatic plants from a fish pond?

A) Harvesting
B) Grading
C) Weeding
D) Seeding
Answer: C) Weeding
Question: Which factor is crucial for determining the appropriate stocking density in a fish pond?

A) Water temperature
B) Wind speed
C) Soil composition
D) Fish coloration
Answer: A) Water temperature
Question: In fish farming, what does the term "broodstock" refer to?

A) Young fish
B) Female fish used for breeding
C) Male fish used for breeding
D) Fish eggs
Answer: B) Female fish used for breeding
Question: What is the primary purpose of using a fish screen in water intake systems?

A) Protecting fish from predators
B) Enhancing fish growth
C) Preventing fish from entering water channels
D) Increasing dissolved oxygen levels
Answer: C) Preventing fish from entering water channels
Question: Which type of fishing gear is a cast net commonly used for?

A) Trawling
B) Seining
C) Longlining
D) Encircling
Answer: D) Encircling
Question: What is the term for the practice of rotating fish between different ponds to promote even growth and reduce disease risk?

A) Grading
B) Culling
C) Polyculture
D) Rotation system
Answer: D) Rotation system
Question: Which factor is essential for successful larval rearing in fish hatcheries?

A) Low salinity
B) High water temperature
C) Small particle size in feed
D) Limited aeration
Answer: C) Small particle size in feed


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