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SS2 second Term Animal Husbandry past questions and answers

SS2 second Term Animal Husbandry past questions and answers

Animal Husbandry exam questions:

Question: What is the purpose of a creep gate in livestock management?

a) Disease control
b) Nutrition supplementation
c) Pasture rotation
d) Young animal access

Answer: d) Young animal access

Question: Which of the following is a method of controlling external parasites in cattle?

a) Grooming
b) Dusting
c) Dipping
d) Milking

Answer: c) Dipping

Question: What is the term for the removal of excess wool around the anus of sheep?

a) Shearing
b) Mulesing
c) Docking
d) Crutching

Answer: d) Crutching

Question: Which vitamin is essential for the prevention of night blindness in animals?

a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin D
c) Vitamin E
d) Vitamin K

Answer: a) Vitamin A

Question: What is the primary purpose of a heat lamp in poultry farming?

a) Disease prevention
b) Egg incubation
c) Feather drying
d) Parasite control

Answer: b) Egg incubation

Question: Which of the following is a method of preventing heat stress in livestock?

a) Hoof trimming
b) Dust bathing
c) Shade provision
d) Beak-trimming

Answer: c) Shade provision

Question: What is the purpose of a lambing jack in sheep farming?

a) Birthing assistance
b) Parasite control
c) Feeding station
d) Temperature regulation

Answer: a) Birthing assistance

Question: Which of the following is a fungal disease affecting the skin of cattle?

a) Ringworm
b) Foot rot
c) Bloat
d) Anthrax

Answer: a) Ringworm

Question: What is the term for the process of controlling the number of offspring produced by animals?

a) Gestation
b) Parturition
c) Fecundity
d) Reproductive management

Answer: c) Fecundity

Question: Which of the following is a common method of preventing bloat in ruminant animals?

a) Hoof trimming
b) Ruminal drinking
c) Grazing management
d) Dehorning

Answer: c) Grazing management

Question: What is the purpose of a marking harness in livestock breeding?

a) Identification
b) Heat detection
c) Parasite control
d) Temperature regulation

Answer: b) Heat detection

Question: Which vitamin is crucial for the prevention of egg-laying issues in poultry?

a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin D
c) Vitamin E
d) Vitamin K

Answer: c) Vitamin E

Question: What is the term for the process of providing water to animals?

a) Irrigation
b) Hydration
c) Hydroponics
d) Watering

Answer: b) Hydration

Question: Which of the following is a method of preventing coccidiosis in poultry?

a) Vaccination
b) Beak-trimming
c) Drenching
d) Grafting

Answer: a) Vaccination

Question: What is the purpose of a creep feeder in livestock farming?

a) Disease quarantine
b) Young animal feeding
c) Grazing area
d) Parasite control

Answer: b) Young animal feeding

Question: Which mineral is essential for the development and maintenance of healthy teeth in animals?

a) Fluoride
b) Iron
c) Zinc
d) Copper

Answer: a) Fluoride

Question: What is the term for the process of isolating sick animals from the rest of the herd?

a) Vaccination
b) Segregation
c) Herding
d) Grazing management

Answer: b) Segregation

Question: Which of the following is a common method of preventing flystrike in sheep?

a) Drenching
b) Shearing
c) Fly traps
d) Tail docking

Answer: c) Fly traps

Question: What is the purpose of a scratching post in poultry farming?

a) Disease prevention
b) Feather cleaning
c) Parasite control
d) Exercise

Answer: b) Feather cleaning

Question: Which vitamin is crucial for the prevention of nutritional muscular dystrophy in animals?

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a) Vitamin A  
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b) Vitamin D  
c) Vitamin E  
d) Vitamin K  

**Answer:** c) Vitamin E


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