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NABTEB English past questions and answers

NABTEB English past questions and answers

English questions along with options and answers:

Question: What is the synonym for "ephemeral"?

a) Lasting
b) Temporary
c) Eternal
d) Enduring
Answer: b) Temporary
Question: Identify the antonym for "vivid."

a) Dull
b) Bright
c) Lively
d) Colorful
Answer: a) Dull
Question: Choose the correct form of the verb: "The cat ___ on the windowsill."

a) Laying
b) Lying
c) Lay
d) Laid
Answer: b) Lying
Question: Select the appropriate word to complete the sentence: "She was ________ by the breathtaking view."

a) Amused
b) Anxious
c) Aghast
d) Allured
Answer: d) Allured
Question: Which sentence is grammatically incorrect?

a) I haven't seen him for weeks.
b) Their dog is more bigger than ours.
c) She and I will attend the meeting.
d) The movie was neither exciting nor interesting.
Answer: b) Their dog is more bigger than ours.
Question: What is the meaning of the idiom "to bite the bullet"?

a) To avoid a difficult situation
b) To face a painful experience with courage
c) To criticize someone harshly
d) To make a hasty decision
Answer: b) To face a painful experience with courage
Question: Identify the correct spelling.

a) Occasion
b) Ocassion
c) Occassion
d) Ocaision
Answer: a) Occasion
Question: Choose the correct sentence:

a) Me and him went to the store.
b) Him and I went to the store.
c) He and I went to the store.
d) I and he went to the store.
Answer: c) He and I went to the store.
Question: What is the plural form of "child"?

a) Childs
b) Childes
c) Children
d) Childs'
Answer: c) Children
Question: Select the correct conjunction to complete the sentence: "She likes tea, ___ she prefers coffee."

a) And
b) But
c) Or
d) So
Answer: b) But


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