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Jafad College of Nursing Past Questions And Answers

Jafad College of Nursing Past Questions And Answers

Here they are;

A patient has just returned from surgery and is experiencing postoperative pain. What is the nurse's priority in managing the pain?
a) Administering an analgesic medication
b) Providing emotional support
c) Assessing blood pressure
d) Encouraging deep breathing
Answer: a) Administering an analgesic medication

When caring for a patient with congestive heart failure, which dietary restriction is often recommended to manage fluid retention?
a) Low-sodium diet
b) Low-carbohydrate diet
c) Low-fat diet
d) High-protein diet
Answer: a) Low-sodium diet

Which of the following is a common sign of respiratory distress in an infant?
a) Bradycardia
b) Grunting during exhalation
c) Hypertension
d) Decreased chest retractions
Answer: b) Grunting during exhalation

What should the nurse assess first when a patient complains of acute abdominal pain?
a) Bowel sounds
b) Pain intensity
c) Heart rate
d) Respiratory rate
Answer: b) Pain intensity

When caring for a patient with a central venous catheter, what is the primary reason for flushing the catheter with normal saline?
a) To maintain catheter patency
b) To reduce pain
c) To administer a blood transfusion
d) To provide emotional support
Answer: a) To maintain catheter patency

A patient with a history of chronic renal disease is at risk for:
a) Hypertension
b) Decreased potassium levels
c) Increased calcium levels
d) Normal renal function
Answer: a) Hypertension

When conducting a physical assessment on a patient, which technique is used to assess tactile fremitus?
a) Percussion
b) Auscultation
c) Palpation
d) Inspection
Answer: c) Palpation

What is the primary goal of proper body mechanics in nursing practice?
a) To maximize the nurse's physical strength
b) To minimize the risk of injury and strain
c) To decrease the patient's comfort
d) To improve verbal communication
Answer: b) To minimize the risk of injury and strain

A patient with pneumonia is prescribed antibiotics. What should the nurse monitor for as a potential side effect of antibiotics?
a) Increased blood pressure
b) Bradycardia
c) Allergic reaction
d) Hypertension
Answer: c) Allergic reaction

What is the primary purpose of using the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) method for managing a patient's musculoskeletal injury?
a) To provide emotional support
b) To prevent the spread of infection
c) To manage pain
d) To reduce swelling and inflammation
Answer: d) To reduce swelling and inflammation

When assessing a newborn's vital signs, which parameter is typically the highest immediately after birth?
a) Respiratory rate
b) Heart rate
c) Blood pressure
d) Temperature
Answer: b) Heart rate

What is the primary goal of effective communication in nursing practice?
a) To limit information sharing
b) To provide the patient with misinformation
c) To enhance patient care and safety
d) To reduce patient interaction
Answer: c) To enhance patient care and safety

Which nursing intervention is essential when caring for a patient with a chest tube drainage system?
a) Elevating the drainage system above the level of the chest
b) Emptying the drainage system every hour
c) Clamping the chest tube intermittently
d) Monitoring for air leaks in the system
Answer: d) Monitoring for air leaks in the system

A patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is prescribed a bronchodilator. What is the primary purpose of this medication?
a) To lower blood pressure
b) To manage pain
c) To improve airflow in the lungs
d) To treat a bacterial infection
Answer: c) To improve airflow in the lungs

What is the primary purpose of the "6 Rights of Medication Administration" in nursing practice?
a) To limit patient access to medications
b) To ensure the correct medication is administered to the right patient
c) To measure blood pressure
d) To evaluate the patient's pain level
Answer: b) To ensure the correct medication is administered to the right patient

A patient with a traumatic brain injury is at risk of developing increased intracranial pressure (ICP). Which nursing action is essential in preventing this complication?
a) Administering an opioid analgesic
b) Elevating the head of the bed
c) Avoiding suctioning
d) Promoting a calm and quiet environment
Answer: d) Promoting a calm and quiet environment

What is the primary purpose of a nasogastric tube?
a) Administering oxygen
b) Administering medications
c) Providing enteral nutrition
d) Monitoring blood pressure
Answer: c) Providing enteral nutrition

When assessing a patient's pain level, which pain scale is commonly used to evaluate pain intensity?
a) Bristol Stool Scale
b) Glasgow Coma Scale
c) Numeric Pain Rating Scale
d) Braden Scale
Answer: c) Numeric Pain Rating Scale

Which nursing intervention is essential when caring for a patient with a urinary catheter to prevent infection?
a) Keep the catheter bag below the level of the bladder
b) Empty the catheter bag every 24 hours
c) Change the catheter every day
d) Use sterile technique during catheter insertion
Answer: d) Use sterile technique during catheter insertion

What is the primary purpose of assessing a patient's respiratory rate?
a) To determine the patient's heart rate
b) To evaluate oxygen saturation
c) To monitor blood pressure
d) To assess the patient's breathing pattern
Answer: d) To assess the patient's breathing pattern


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