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Government Post UTME past questions and answers

Government Post UTME past questions and answers

Here are 20 questions with options and answers:

What is the main purpose of the Nigerian Constitution?
A) To establish a monarchy
B) To promote justice and the rule of law
C) To encourage religious discrimination
D) To support military rule
Answer: B

Which of the following is NOT a tier of government in Nigeria?
A) Federal
B) State
C) Local
D) Regional
Answer: D

In a presidential system of government, the executive is separate from the legislature. True or False?
Answer: True

Who is the current President of Nigeria as of my knowledge cutoff date in January 2022?
A) Muhammadu Buhari
B) Goodluck Jonathan
C) Olusegun Obasanjo
D) Umaru Yar'Adua
Answer: A

What is the term of office for a member of the Nigerian House of Representatives?
A) 4 years
B) 6 years
C) 8 years
D) 10 years
Answer: A

What is the primary responsibility of the judiciary in a democracy?
A) Enacting laws
B) Interpreting and applying the laws
C) Making foreign policy decisions
D) Collecting taxes
Answer: B

Which of the following political parties is one of the major parties in Nigeria?
A) Green Party
B) Labour Party
C) Democratic People's Congress (DPC)
D) All Progressives Congress (APC)
Answer: D

What is the minimum voting age in Nigeria?
A) 16 years
B) 18 years
C) 21 years
D) 25 years
Answer: B

What is the legislative arm of government responsible for?
A) Implementing policies
B) Making laws
C) Conducting foreign affairs
D) Enforcing court judgments
Answer: B

Who has the power to declare war in Nigeria?
A) The President
B) The Chief Justice
C) The Speaker of the House of Representatives
D) The Governor of a State
Answer: A

The principle of "separation of powers" is central to which form of government?
A) Parliamentary
B) Presidential
C) Monarchial
D) Dictatorship
Answer: B

What is the fundamental law of a country known as?
A) Legislation
B) Constitution
C) Executive order
D) By-law
Answer: B

What is the upper chamber of the Nigerian National Assembly called?
A) House of Representatives
B) Senate
C) State House of Assembly
D) Executive Council
Answer: B

Which organ of government is responsible for making and implementing policies?
A) Legislature
B) Judiciary
C) Executive
D) Civil Society
Answer: C

Who is the head of a local government in Nigeria?
A) Governor
B) President
C) Local Government Chairman
D) Traditional Ruler
Answer: C

How many geopolitical zones are there in Nigeria?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 7
Answer: C

In a democratic system, who is responsible for representing the interests of the people?
A) The Judiciary
B) The Executive
C) The Legislature
D) The Military
Answer: C

What is the minimum voting age for a presidential election in Nigeria?
A) 16 years
B) 18 years
C) 21 years
D) 25 years
Answer: B

Which branch of government is responsible for interpreting the law in Nigeria?
A) Executive
B) Legislative
C) Judiciary
D) Military
Answer: C

What is the primary function of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in Nigeria?
A) Providing education services
B) Investigating and prosecuting financial crimes
C) Managing national parks
D) Promoting cultural heritage
Answer: B


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