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Federal School of Nursing Ido-Ekiti Past Questions and Answers

Federal School of Nursing Ido-Ekiti Past Questions and Answers

Here they are;

What is the normal body temperature for an adult?
a) 98°F (36.7°C)
b) 100°F (37.8°C)
c) 98.6°F (37°C)
d) 99.5°F (37.5°C)
Answer: c) 98.6°F (37°C)

Which vital sign is measured using a sphygmomanometer?
a) Pulse rate
b) Respiratory rate
c) Blood pressure
d) Temperature
Answer: c) Blood pressure

What is the purpose of administering an intramuscular injection?
a) Deliver medication into the bloodstream
b) Provide long-lasting pain relief
c) Administer vaccines
d) Deliver medication into muscle tissue
Answer: d) Deliver medication into muscle tissue

Which of the following is a common symptom of dehydration?
a) Diarrhea
b) Increased urine output
c) Dry mouth and skin
d) Rapid weight gain
Answer: c) Dry mouth and skin

When assessing a patient's pain level, which pain scale is commonly used in healthcare?
a) Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
b) Richter Scale
c) Fahrenheit Scale
d) Celsius Scale
Answer: a) Visual Analog Scale (VAS)

What does the acronym CPR stand for?
a) Cardiac Pulse Recovery
b) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
c) Central Pulse Regulation
d) Cardiovascular Pumping Response
Answer: b) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Which type of isolation is used to prevent the spread of infections through the air?
a) Contact isolation
b) Droplet isolation
c) Standard precautions
d) Airborne isolation
Answer: d) Airborne isolation

In which situation should a nurse use the "Trendelenburg position" for a patient?
a) To promote good posture
b) To encourage deep breathing
c) To assist with childbirth
d) To improve blood flow to the brain
Answer: d) To improve blood flow to the brain

What is the purpose of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) in nursing?
a) To measure a patient's cognitive abilities
b) To assess a patient's level of consciousness
c) To evaluate a patient's fluid intake
d) To diagnose neurological disorders
Answer: b) To assess a patient's level of consciousness

Which medication is commonly used to treat pain and reduce fever in patients?
a) Antibiotics
b) Antipsychotics
c) Analgesics
d) Anticoagulants
Answer: c) Analgesics

When providing care to a bedridden patient, what is essential for preventing pressure ulcers?
a) Frequent repositioning
b) Cold compresses
c) Tight bandaging
d) Elevating the head of the bed
Answer: a) Frequent repositioning

Which of the following is an example of a "non-verbal" communication technique?
a) Asking open-ended questions
b) Active listening
c) Using body language
d) Offering reassurance
Answer: c) Using body language

What is the primary purpose of an IV (intravenous) drip?
a) Administering oxygen
b) Measuring blood pressure
c) Providing nutrition
d) Delivering fluids and medications directly into the bloodstream
Answer: d) Delivering fluids and medications directly into the bloodstream

What does the acronym ADL stand for in nursing care?
a) Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory
b) Activities of Daily Living
c) Automated Drug List
d) Assisted Dietary Lifestyle
Answer: b) Activities of Daily Living

Which organization sets the standards for nursing practice in the United States?
a) WHO (World Health Organization)
b) CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
c) ANA (American Nurses Association)
d) FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
Answer: c) ANA (American Nurses Association)

What is the primary goal of palliative care?
a) To cure a patient's illness
b) To provide emotional support to families
c) To relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses
d) To perform surgical procedures
Answer: c) To relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses

Which professional is responsible for diagnosing and treating medical conditions and can prescribe medications?
a) Nurse
b) Physical therapist
c) Physician
d) Social worker
Answer: c) Physician

In which type of healthcare setting might you find a nurse anesthetist working?
a) Emergency room
b) Obstetrics clinic
c) Operating room
d) Physical therapy center
Answer: c) Operating room

What is the purpose of aseptic technique in nursing?
a) To maintain a clean and organized workspace
b) To prevent the spread of infections and maintain sterile conditions
c) To provide emotional support to patients
d) To administer vaccinations
Answer: b) To prevent the spread of infections and maintain sterile conditions

What is the role of a nurse in end-of-life care?
a) To prolong life at all costs
b) To provide emotional and physical comfort to the patient and family
c) To prioritize aggressive medical interventions
d) To make all medical decisions for the patient
Answer: b) To provide emotional and physical comfort to the patient and family


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