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Computer science NABTEB exam past questions and answers

Computer science NABTEB exam past questions and answers

Here they are;

Question: What is the time complexity of the quicksort algorithm?

a) O(n)

b) O(n log n)

c) O(n^2)

d) O(log n)

Answer: b) O(n log n)

Question: In object-oriented programming, what is encapsulation?

a) Inheritance

b) Data hiding

c) Polymorphism

d) Abstraction

Answer: b) Data hiding

Question: Which data structure follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle?

a) Queue

b) Stack

c) Linked List

d) Tree

Answer: b) Stack

Question: What does SQL stand for?

a) Structured Query Language

b) Simple Question Language

c) System Query Language

d) Sequential Question Language

Answer: a) Structured Query Language

Question: Which sorting algorithm has a worst-case time complexity of O(n^2)?

a) Merge Sort

b) Bubble Sort

c) Insertion Sort

d) Radix Sort

Answer: b) Bubble Sort

Question: What is the purpose of an index in a database?

a) Ensure data integrity

b) Improve query performance

c) Define table relationships

d) Enforce primary key constraints

Answer: b) Improve query performance

Question: Which of the following is a dynamically-typed programming language?

a) C++

b) Java

c) Python

d) C#

Answer: c) Python

Question: What is a binary tree?

a) A tree with only one node

b) A tree with two children for each node

c) A tree with no root

d) A tree with no leaves

Answer: b) A tree with two children for each node

Question: What is a DNS (Domain Name System) used for?

a) File storage

b) Network security

c) Web browsing

d) Email communication

Answer: c) Web browsing

Question: Which type of testing is performed to validate that a software system meets its specified requirements?

a) Unit testing

b) Integration testing

c) System testing

d) Acceptance testing

Answer: c) System testing

Question: What is the purpose of the "this" keyword in object-oriented programming?

a) Referencing the current instance of a class

b) Declaring a new variable

c) Accessing static members

d) Implementing interfaces

Answer: a) Referencing the current instance of a class

Question: Which protocol is used for secure communication over a computer network?

a) FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

b) HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

c) HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

d) SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

Answer: c) HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

Question: What is the role of a compiler in programming?

a) Execute code line by line

b) Translate high-level code into machine code

c) Debugging source code

d) Manage memory allocation

Answer: b) Translate high-level code into machine code

Question: What is a deadlock in operating systems?

a) A situation where two processes continually swap data

b) A state where a process cannot proceed because it's waiting for a resource held by another process

c) A process that has terminated unexpectedly

d) A security breach in the operating system

Answer: b) A state where a process cannot proceed because it's waiting for a resource held by another process

Question: What is a NoSQL database?

a) Database without tables

b) Database with only numeric data

c) Database without relationships

d) Database without a query language

Answer: c) Database without relationships

Question: Which design pattern is used to ensure a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it?

a) Observer pattern

b) Singleton pattern

c) Factory pattern

d) Decorator pattern

Answer: b) Singleton pattern

Question: What is a firewall in the context of computer networks?

a) Hardware device for printing documents

b) Software for creating 3D graphics

c) Security system to monitor and control incoming/outgoing network traffic

d) Data storage device

Answer: c) Security system to monitor and control incoming/outgoing network traffic

Question: In binary, what does the number 101011 represent?

a) 43

b) 53

c) 63

d) 73

Answer: a) 43

Question: Which programming paradigm emphasizes immutability and functional composition?

a) Object-oriented programming

b) Procedural programming

c) Functional programming

d) Declarative programming

Answer: c) Functional programming

Question: What is the purpose of a foreign key in a relational database?

a) Ensure data consistency

b) Create a copy of a table

c) Establish a link between two tables

d) Define a primary key constraint

Answer: c) Establish a link between two tables


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