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SS3 third Term commerce past questions and answers

SS3 third Term commerce past questions and answers

SS3 Commerce questions with options and answers:

Question: What is the purpose of a feasibility study in business planning?

A) Evaluate the financial performance of a company
B) Determine the technical viability of a project
C) Conduct market research
D) Monitor employee satisfaction
Answer: B) Determine the technical viability of a project
Question: What is the role of a supply chain in business operations?

A) Manage financial transactions
B) Coordinate the flow of goods and services from production to consumption
C) Analyze market trends
D) Develop advertising campaigns
Answer: B) Coordinate the flow of goods and services from production to consumption
Question: In financial accounting, what does the term "amortization" refer to?

A) Allocation of the cost of an intangible asset over its useful life
B) Increase in the value of a tangible asset
C) Record of daily transactions
D) Evaluation of market trends
Answer: A) Allocation of the cost of an intangible asset over its useful life
Question: What is the purpose of a product life cycle in marketing?

A) Analyze employee performance
B) Evaluate the profitability of a business
C) Track the stages of a product from introduction to decline
D) Document company history
Answer: C) Track the stages of a product from introduction to decline
Question: What does the term "venture capital" refer to in the context of business financing?

A) Funds invested in well-established companies
B) Investment in government bonds
C) Capital provided to startup businesses with high growth potential
D) Stock market fluctuations
Answer: C) Capital provided to startup businesses with high growth potential
Question: What is the significance of the term "trade deficit" in international economics?

A) Surplus of exports over imports
B) Excess of government spending
C) Situation where imports exceed exports
D) Rise in the value of a country's currency
Answer: C) Situation where imports exceed exports
Question: In organizational behavior, what is the role of a team leader?

A) Conduct market research
B) Manage financial transactions
C) Facilitate collaboration and achieve team goals
D) Develop advertising campaigns
Answer: C) Facilitate collaboration and achieve team goals
Question: What is the purpose of a profit and loss statement in financial reporting?

A) Summarize income and expenses over a specific period
B) Track changes in market share
C) Evaluate employee performance
D) Determine the value of assets
Answer: A) Summarize income and expenses over a specific period
Question: What is the concept of "elastic demand" in economics?

A) Demand that remains constant regardless of price changes
B) Demand that is sensitive to price changes
C) Demand for luxury goods only
D) Fluctuations in market demand
Answer: B) Demand that is sensitive to price changes
Question: What is the purpose of a code of ethics in business organizations?

A) Evaluate market trends
B) Ensure compliance with legal regulations
C) Monitor employee satisfaction
D) Develop advertising campaigns
Answer: B) Ensure compliance with legal regulations
Question: In international trade, what does the term "dumping" refer to?

A) Selling goods at below-market prices in another country
B) Trading goods without government regulations
C) Excessive production of goods
D) Importing goods without proper documentation
Answer: A) Selling goods at below-market prices in another country
Question: What is the significance of the term "merger" in business?

A) Division of a company into separate entities
B) Combination of two or more companies to form a new entity
C) Sale of company assets
D) Increase in the market value of shares
Answer: B) Combination of two or more companies to form a new entity
Question: What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis in strategic planning?

A) Analyze employee performance
B) Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
C) Evaluate financial statements
D) Document company history
Answer: B) Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
Question: In financial management, what does the term "cash budget" represent?

A) Analysis of market trends
B) Projection of expected cash inflows and outflows
C) Evaluation of employee satisfaction
D) Tracking changes in stock prices
Answer: B) Projection of expected cash inflows and outflows
Question: What is the role of a trademark in business?

A) Document company history
B) Establish a unique identity for a product or service
C) Monitor employee performance
D) Evaluate market trends
Answer: B) Establish a unique identity for a product or service
Question: What does the term "ceteris paribus" mean in economic analysis?

A) All other things being equal
B) Constantly changing market conditions
C) Government intervention in the economy
D) The impact of inflation on prices
Answer: A) All other things being equal
Question: What is the purpose of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?

A) Regulate environmental policies
B) Facilitate global communication
C) Promote international trade through tariff reduction
D) Monitor employee satisfaction
Answer: C) Promote international trade through tariff reduction
Question: In financial accounting, what does the term "auditing" involve?

A) Evaluation of employee performance
B) Examination of financial records to ensure accuracy and compliance
C) Analysis of market trends
D) Projection of future revenues
Answer: B) Examination of financial records to ensure accuracy and compliance
Question: What is the purpose of a cash conversion cycle in working capital management?

A) Evaluate market trends
B) Measure the time it takes to convert inventory into cash
C) Monitor employee satisfaction
D) Assess environmental sustainability
Answer: B) Measure the time it takes to convert inventory into cash


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