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SS3 second Term computer science past questions and answers

SS3 second Term computer science past questions and answers

SS3 computer science questions with options and answers:

Question: What is the purpose of the "break" statement in programming?

A) End a loop prematurely
B) Begin a loop
C) Define a function
D) Print output
Answer: A
Question: Which of the following is an example of a high-level programming language?

A) Assembly
B) Machine code
C) Fortran
D) Binary
Answer: C
Question: What is the primary function of the Central Processing Unit (CPU)?

A) Store data permanently
B) Execute instructions
C) Manage network connections
D) Display graphics
Answer: B
Question: Which data structure uses the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle?

A) Stack
B) Queue
C) Linked List
D) Tree
Answer: B
Question: In object-oriented programming, what is encapsulation?

A) Breaking code into smaller modules
B) Combining data and methods into a single unit
C) Writing code for parallel processing
D) Creating complex algorithms
Answer: B
Question: What does the acronym HTTP stand for?

A) Hyperlink Text Transfer Protocol
B) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
C) High-Level Text Transmission Protocol
D) Hyper Transfer Text Protocol
Answer: B
Question: Which of the following is an example of a non-volatile memory?

C) Cache memory
D) Virtual memory
Answer: B
Question: What is the purpose of the "try" and "catch" blocks in exception handling?

A) Define variables
B) Handle errors
C) Execute code repeatedly
D) Create functions
Answer: B
Question: Which sorting algorithm has a time complexity of O(n log n) in its average and worst-case scenarios?

A) Bubble Sort
B) Insertion Sort
C) Merge Sort
D) Selection Sort
Answer: C
Question: What is the function of a subnet mask in networking?

A) Identify the network portion of an IP address
B) Assign IP addresses dynamically
C) Encrypt data transmission
D) Control access to websites
Answer: A
Question: What is the purpose of the "xor" (exclusive or) operator in programming?

A) Combine two conditions with an "or" relationship
B) Perform bitwise exclusive or operation
C) Concatenate strings
D) Multiply two numbers
Answer: B
Question: Which programming language is commonly used for developing mobile applications?

A) C
B) Python
C) Swift
Answer: C
Question: What is the role of a cache memory in a computer system?

A) Store frequently used program instructions and data
B) Manage input/output devices
C) Execute machine code
D) Control network traffic
Answer: A
Question: What is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter in programming?

A) Both convert source code to machine code
B) A compiler translates the entire program at once, while an interpreter translates line by line
C) An interpreter produces a standalone executable file
D) A compiler is used for scripting languages only
Answer: B
Question: Which of the following is an example of a volatile memory?

A) Hard disk
B) Flash drive
Answer: C
Question: What is the purpose of the "alt" attribute in HTML?

A) Define alternative text for an image
B) Create links
C) Style text
D) Embed videos
Answer: A
Question: In binary, what does the combination "1010" represent?

A) 5
B) 8
C) 10
D) 12
Answer: C
Question: Which protocol is responsible for secure data transmission over the internet?

C) Telnet
Answer: B
Question: What is the purpose of the "breakpoint" in debugging?

A) End the program
B) Pause program execution at a specific point
C) Display error messages
D) Execute a specific block of code
Answer: B
Question: Which of the following is a benefit of using version control systems in software development?

A) Increased program execution speed
B) Collaboration among developers
C) Encryption of source code
D) Compilation of code
Answer: B


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