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SS1 third Term visual arts past questions and answers

SS1 third Term visual arts past questions and answers

Visual arts questions with options and answers:

Question: Who is known for his use of geometric shapes and bold colors in the painting "Broadway Boogie Woogie"?
A) Wassily Kandinsky
B) Piet Mondrian
C) Kazimir Malevich
D) Joan Miró
Answer: B) Piet Mondrian
Question: What is the term for the technique of creating images by scratching away the surface of a painting to reveal the layer beneath?
A) Sgraffito
B) Frottage
C) Grisaille
D) Tenebrism
Answer: A) Sgraffito
Question: Who is known for his use of light and shadow in paintings like "The Calling of Saint Matthew"?
A) Caravaggio
B) Rembrandt
C) Leonardo da Vinci
D) Vermeer
Answer: A) Caravaggio
Question: In ceramics, what is the term for the process of firing pottery at a high temperature to make it hard and durable?
A) Glazing
B) Bisque firing
C) Raku
D) Kiln firing
Answer: D) Kiln firing
Question: Who is known for his use of readymades, everyday objects presented as art, such as "Bicycle Wheel"?
A) Marcel Duchamp
B) Man Ray
C) Jean Arp
D) Salvador Dalí
Answer: A) Marcel Duchamp
Question: What term describes a painting technique that creates a soft, blurred effect by applying a thin, opaque layer of paint?
A) Glazing
B) Scumbling
C) Impasto
D) Tenebrism
Answer: B) Scumbling
Question: Who is known for his use of bold, colorful patterns in works like "Icarus" and "The Snail"?
A) Henri Matisse
B) Pablo Picasso
C) Georges Braque
D) Paul Cézanne
Answer: A) Henri Matisse
Question: In art, what is the term for a rapid drawing that captures the essential features and movement of a subject?
A) Contour drawing
B) Gesture drawing
C) Hatching
D) Continuous line drawing
Answer: B) Gesture drawing
Question: What is the term for a style of art that emphasizes realistic representation, precise details, and a smooth surface?
A) Cubism
B) Realism
C) Surrealism
D) Abstract Expressionism
Answer: B) Realism
Question: Who is known for his large-scale, outdoor environmental artworks, such as "Broken Circle and Spiral Hill"?
A) Maya Lin
B) Richard Serra
C) Michael Heizer
D) Andy Goldsworthy
Answer: D) Andy Goldsworthy
Question: What is the term for a sculpture that projects from a flat background but remains attached to it?
A) Bas-relief
B) High relief
C) Freestanding
D) Low relief
Answer: A) Bas-relief
Question: Who is known for his use of symbolism and dreamlike imagery in paintings like "The Persistence of Memory"?
A) Salvador Dalí
B) René Magritte
C) Max Ernst
D) Giorgio de Chirico
Answer: A) Salvador Dalí
Question: What is the term for a technique in which the artist scrapes or scratches away paint to reveal the canvas beneath?
A) Sgraffito
B) Frottage
C) Grisaille
D) Tenebrism
Answer: A) Sgraffito
Question: Who is known for his use of color and flowing, organic forms in works like "Water Lilies"?
A) Claude Monet
B) Auguste Rodin
C) Edgar Degas
D) Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Answer: A) Claude Monet
Question: What term describes the technique of creating images by applying pigment to a wet plaster surface?
A) Fresco
B) Encaustic
C) Tempera
D) Gouache
Answer: A) Fresco
Question: Who is known for his use of color and emotional intensity in paintings like "Starry Night"?
A) Vincent van Gogh
B) Edvard Munch
C) Gustav Klimt
D) Egon Schiele
Answer: A) Vincent van Gogh
Question: In sculpture, what term refers to the process of shaping a form by adding or building up material?
A) Carving
B) Modeling
C) Casting
D) Assembling
Answer: B) Modeling
Question: Who is known for his use of drip painting in works like "No. 5, 1948"?
A) Jackson Pollock
B) Willem de Kooning
C) Mark Rothko
D) Franz Kline
Answer: A) Jackson Pollock
Question: What is the term for the arrangement of visual elements in a work of art, including balance, contrast, and harmony?
A) Composition
B) Palette
C) Proportion
D) Texture
Answer: A) Composition
Question: Who is known for his use of found objects in sculptures, such as "Bicycle Wheel" and "Bottle Rack"?
A) Marcel Duchamp
B) Man Ray
C) Jean Arp
D) Salvador Dalí
Answer: A) Marcel Duchamp


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