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SS1 third Term CRK past questions and answers

SS1 third Term CRK past questions and answers

(CRK) questions for SS1 with options and answers:

Question: What is the Christian term for the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples, as described in the book of Acts?

A) Ascension
B) Pentecost
C) Epiphany
D) Advent
Answer: B) Pentecost
Question: Which disciple is known for denying Jesus three times before the rooster crowed?

A) Andrew
B) James
C) Peter
D) John
Answer: C) Peter
Question: What is the Christian sacrament that signifies the forgiveness of sins through the laying on of hands and prayer?

A) Baptism
B) Confession
C) Penance
D) Anointing of the Sick
Answer: D) Anointing of the Sick
Question: Who is considered the first martyr in the Bible?

A) Abel
B) Stephen
C) John the Baptist
D) James the Apostle
Answer: A) Abel
Question: Which prophet is often referred to as the "weeping prophet" due to his lamentations over Jerusalem?

A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Daniel
Answer: B) Jeremiah
Question: According to the Bible, what was the name of the place where Jesus was crucified?

A) Golgotha
B) Bethel
C) Calvary
D) Mount Sinai
Answer: A) Golgotha
Question: What is the Christian term for the belief in the existence of one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

A) Monotheism
B) Polytheism
C) Trinity
D) Dualism
Answer: C) Trinity
Question: Who was the biblical figure known for his wisdom and credited with writing the Book of Proverbs?

A) Solomon
B) David
C) Daniel
D) Samuel
Answer: A) Solomon
Question: In Christianity, what is the term for the period of fasting and preparation leading up to Christmas?

A) Lent
B) Advent
C) Pentecost
D) Easter Triduum
Answer: B) Advent
Question: Which woman in the Bible is often described as being the first to see the risen Jesus?

A) Mary Magdalene
B) Mary, the mother of Jesus
C) Martha
D) Salome
Answer: A) Mary Magdalene
Question: What is the Christian term for the act of being born again spiritually?

A) Regeneration
B) Resurrection
C) Reconciliation
D) Redemption
Answer: A) Regeneration
Question: Which disciple is traditionally considered the author of the Gospel of Mark?

A) Matthew
B) Mark
C) Luke
D) John
Answer: B) Mark
Question: In the parable of the Good Shepherd, what does the shepherd do for his sheep?

A) Feeds them
B) Shears them
C) Protects and lays down his life for them
D) Sells them
Answer: C) Protects and lays down his life for them
Question: What is the Christian term for the act of publicly declaring and affirming one's faith?

A) Confession
B) Witnessing
C) Profession of faith
D) Evangelism
Answer: C) Profession of faith
Question: Who was the Roman centurion present at the crucifixion of Jesus and confessed, "Truly this man was the Son of God"?

A) Cornelius
B) Julius
C) Longinus
D) Centurionius
Answer: C) Longinus
Question: What is the Christian term for the belief in the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment?

A) Purgatory
B) Resurrectionism
C) Apotheosis
D) Eschatology
Answer: D) Eschatology
Question: Who was the disciple known as the "beloved disciple" and the author of the Gospel of John?

A) Peter
B) James
C) John
D) Andrew
Answer: C) John
Question: Which Old Testament figure is known for leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt?

A) Moses
B) Joshua
C) Aaron
D) Samuel
Answer: A) Moses
Question: What is the Christian term for the period of time during which Jesus is said to have been conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary?

A) Annunciation
B) Immaculate Conception
C) Nativity
D) Incarnation
Answer: D) Incarnation
Question: In the Bible, who was thrown into a den of lions but miraculously survived due to divine intervention?

A) Daniel
B) David
C) Joseph
D) Ezekiel
Answer: A) Daniel


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