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SS1 second Term English past questions and answers

SS1 second Term English past questions and answers

Here they are;

Question: Identify the preposition in the sentence: "The book is on the shelf."

a) Book
b) Is
c) On
d) Shelf
Answer: c) On
Question: Choose the correct comparative form of "beautiful."

a) Beautifuler
b) Beautifullest
c) More beautiful
d) Beautifuller
Answer: c) More beautiful
Question: What is the meaning of the idiom "hit the nail on the head"?

a) To miss an opportunity
b) To understand something exactly
c) To build something with nails
d) To be a skilled carpenter
Answer: b) To understand something exactly
Question: Identify the subject in the sentence: "The sun sets in the west."

a) The
b) Sun
c) Sets
d) West
Answer: b) Sun
Question: Which sentence is in the future tense?

a) They are playing soccer.
b) We will visit the zoo tomorrow.
c) She danced gracefully.
d) The movie ended late.
Answer: b) We will visit the zoo tomorrow.
Question: Choose the correct form of the verb: "She __________ to the store yesterday."

a) Go
b) Goes
c) Going
d) Went
Answer: d) Went
Question: What is the plural of "cactus"?

a) Cactuss
b) Cacti
c) Cactus
d) Cactuses
Answer: b) Cacti
Question: Identify the direct object in the sentence: "I baked a delicious cake."

a) I
b) Baked
c) Delicious
d) Cake
Answer: d) Cake
Question: Choose the correctly punctuated sentence:

a) The weather is nice today but, I forgot my umbrella.
b) The weather is nice today, but I forgot my umbrella.
c) The weather, is nice today but I forgot my umbrella.
d) The weather is, nice today but I forgot my umbrella.
Answer: b) The weather is nice today, but I forgot my umbrella.
Question: What does the acronym "NASA" stand for?

a) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
b) North American Science Association
c) New Astronomy and Space Advancements
d) National Aerospace and Space Association
Answer: a) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Question: Identify the interjection in the sentence: "Wow, that was an amazing performance!"

a) Wow
b) That
c) Was
d) Amazing
Answer: a) Wow
Question: Choose the correct spelling:

a) Occassion
b) Occasion
c) Ocassion
d) Occasson
Answer: b) Occasion
Question: What is the meaning of the word "eccentric"?

a) Social and outgoing
b) Strange and unconventional
c) Quiet and reserved
d) Ordinary and typical
Answer: b) Strange and unconventional
Question: Identify the gerund in the sentence: "Swimming is her favorite sport."

a) Swimming
b) Is
c) Her
d) Sport
Answer: a) Swimming
Question: Choose the correct conjunction: "I want ice cream __________ cake."

a) And
b) Or
c) But
d) So
Answer: b) Or
Question: What is the meaning of the phrase "burn the midnight oil"?

a) To start a fire at night
b) To work late into the night
c) To conserve energy
d) To stay warm during the night
Answer: b) To work late into the night
Question: Identify the article in the sentence: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

a) An
b) Apple
c) Day
d) Away
Answer: a) An
Question: What is the plural of "ox"?

a) Oxen
b) Oxes
c) Oxen's
d) Ox's
Answer: a) Oxen
Question: Choose the correct form of the adjective: "This is the __________ book I have ever read."

a) Good
b) Better
c) Best
d) Gooder
Answer: c) Best
Question: What is the meaning of the word "conundrum"?

a) A confusing and difficult problem
b) A simple and straightforward solution
c) A type of musical instrument
d) A colorful and vibrant display
Answer: a) A confusing and difficult problem


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