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SS1 second Term Animal Husbandry past questions and answers

SS1 second Term Animal Husbandry past questions and answers

SS1 Animal Husbandry exam questions:

Question: What is the primary purpose of a farrowing crate in pig farming?

a) Temperature control
b) Feeding station
c) Birthing enclosure
d) Exercise area

Answer: c) Birthing enclosure

Question: Which of the following is a common method of controlling external parasites in livestock?

a) Vaccination
b) Dip treatment
c) Antibiotic therapy
d) Deworming

Answer: b) Dip treatment

Question: What is the term for the process of removing excess wool from sheep?

a) Shearing
b) Clipping
c) Grooming
d) Pruning

Answer: a) Shearing

Question: Which of the following is a by-product of honey production?

a) Beeswax
b) Royal jelly
c) Propolis
d) Pollen

Answer: a) Beeswax

Question: What is the primary purpose of a trough in animal husbandry?

a) Sleeping area
b) Feeding station
c) Exercise space
d) Birthing enclosure

Answer: b) Feeding station

Question: Which vitamin deficiency can lead to rickets in poultry?

a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin D
c) Vitamin E
d) Vitamin K

Answer: b) Vitamin D

Question: What is the primary function of a broody hen in poultry farming?

a) Egg production
b) Incubating eggs
c) Pest control
d) Providing feathers

Answer: b) Incubating eggs

Question: Which of the following is a fungal disease that affects the hooves of cattle?

a) Blackleg
b) Hoof and mouth disease
c) Ringworm
d) Bloat

Answer: c) Ringworm

Question: What is the term for the process of feeding young animals with milk from another species?

a) Weaning
b) Milking
c) Crossbreeding
d) Fostering

Answer: d) Fostering

Question: Which of the following is a common method of artificial lighting used in poultry farming?

a) Incandescent bulbs
b) Neon lights
c) LED lights
d) Candlelight

Answer: c) LED lights

Question: What is the purpose of the molting process in poultry?

a) Feather repair
b) Egg production
c) Disease resistance
d) Body temperature regulation

Answer: b) Egg production

Question: Which of the following is a contagious bacterial disease affecting sheep and goats?

a) Brucellosis
b) Caseous lymphadenitis
c) Foot-and-mouth disease
d) Blue tongue

Answer: b) Caseous lymphadenitis

Question: What is the term for the process of separating male and female animals for controlled mating?

a) Castration
b) Segregation
c) Estrus synchronization
d) Herding

Answer: c) Estrus synchronization

Question: Which nutrient is essential for the synthesis of feathers in birds?

a) Protein
b) Carbohydrates
c) Fat
d) Calcium

Answer: a) Protein

Question: What is the purpose of the beak-trimming process in poultry farming?

a) Disease prevention
b) Enhancing egg production
c) Reducing aggression
d) Improving feather quality

Answer: c) Reducing aggression

Question: Which of the following is a common respiratory disease in poultry?

a) Mastitis
b) Fowl cholera
c) Newcastle disease
d) Bovine respiratory disease

Answer: c) Newcastle disease

Question: What is the primary purpose of a milking machine in dairy farming?

a) Cleaning udders
b) Massaging cows
c) Extracting milk
d) Applying medications

Answer: c) Extracting milk

Question: Which mineral is important for the formation of strong bones in growing animals?

a) Phosphorus
b) Magnesium
c) Potassium
d) Sodium

Answer: a) Phosphorus

Question: What is the term for the process of cutting or grinding feeds into smaller particles for easier consumption?

a) Foraging
b) Grinding
c) Chewing
d) Pelletizing

Answer: d) Pelletizing

Question: Which of the following is a viral disease affecting poultry, causing respiratory and reproductive issues?

a) Coccidiosis
b) Marek's disease
c) Brucellosis
d) Leptospirosis

Answer: b) Marek's disease


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