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SS1 first term garment making past questions and answers

SS1 first term garment making past questions and answers

Question: What is the primary purpose of a seam allowance in garment making?

a) Decorative finish
b) Pocket attachment
c) Ease of sewing
d) Hemming solution

Answer: c) Ease of sewing

Question: Which stitching technique is commonly used to prevent fabric edges from fraying?

a) Basting
b) Overcasting
c) Backstitching
d) Running stitch

Answer: b) Overcasting

Question: What is the purpose of a dart in garment construction?

a) Adding decorative elements
b) Providing ease in movement
c) Reducing excess fabric
d) Attaching buttons

Answer: c) Reducing excess fabric

Question: In sewing, what does the term "bias" refer to?

a) Fabric stretch
b) Straight grain
c) Fold line
d) Seam allowance

Answer: a) Fabric stretch

Question: Which type of stitch is commonly used for attaching two pieces of fabric with a strong, flexible seam?

a) Running stitch
b) Backstitch
c) Slip stitch
d) Zigzag stitch

Answer: b) Backstitch

Question: What is the purpose of a pattern guide in garment making?

a) Cutting fabric
b) Measuring body dimensions
c) Drafting garment pieces
d) Stitching hems

Answer: c) Drafting garment pieces

Question: Which tool is used for transferring pattern markings onto fabric?

a) Seam ripper
b) Tracing wheel
c) Tailor's chalk
d) Bobbin

Answer: b) Tracing wheel

Question: What is the function of interfacing in garment construction?

a) Adding decorative elements
b) Providing structure and stability
c) Seam reinforcement
d) Hemming solution

Answer: b) Providing structure and stability

Question: When creating gathers in a garment, which stitching technique is commonly used?

a) Basting
b) Backstitching
c) Running stitch
d) Slip stitch

Answer: a) Basting

Question: Which type of fabric is often used for making lingerie due to its stretch and lightweight properties?

a) Cotton
b) Silk
c) Satin
d) Spandex

Answer: d) Spandex

Question: What does the term "notion" refer to in garment making?
a) Pattern pieces
b) Sewing machine parts
c) Small sewing supplies and accessories
d) Fabric yardage

Answer: c) Small sewing supplies and accessories

Question: Which cutting tool is suitable for making precise cuts along curved lines?
a) Pinking shears
b) Rotary cutter
c) Fabric scissors
d) Seam ripper

Answer: b) Rotary cutter

Question: What is the purpose of a muslin test in garment making?
a) Testing fabric durability
b) Drafting a pattern
c) Checking fit and design
d) Creating decorative elements

Answer: c) Checking fit and design

Question: Which stitch is commonly used for attaching a zipper to a garment?
a) Running stitch
b) Blind hem stitch
c) Topstitch
d) Ladder stitch

Answer: c) Topstitch

Question: In garment making, what does the term "selvage" refer to?
a) Finished garment
b) Raw fabric edge
c) Hemmed seam
d) Button closure

Answer: b) Raw fabric edge

Question: What is the purpose of stay stitching in garment construction?
a) Adding decorative elements
b) Preventing fabric distortion
c) Hemming solution
d) Attaching buttons

Answer: b) Preventing fabric distortion

Question: Which sewing machine foot is commonly used for stitching in the ditch?
a) Zipper foot
b) Walking foot
c) Buttonhole foot
d) Overcasting foot

Answer: b) Walking foot

Question: What does the term "grainline" indicate on a sewing pattern?
a) Fabric stretch
b) Direction of fabric threads
c) Cutting line
d) Pattern ease

Answer: b) Direction of fabric threads

Question: When finishing raw edges with a serger, what type of stitch does it typically use?
a) Zigzag stitch
b) Running stitch
c) Overlock stitch
d) Blind hem stitch

Answer: c) Overlock stitch

Question: Which hand-sewing stitch is commonly used for securing two folded edges together invisibly?

a) Slip stitch
b) Backstitch
c) Running stitch
d) Basting stitch

Answer: a) Slip stitch


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