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Office practice NABTEB exam questions and answers

Office practice NABTEB exam questions and answers

Here they are;

20 office practice exam questions with options and answers:

Question: What is the primary purpose of a memo?

A) Formal meetings
B) Internal communication
C) Social events
D) Customer outreach
Answer: B) Internal communication
Question: In spreadsheet software, what does the function VLOOKUP do?

A) Vertical Lookup
B) Value Lookup
C) Variable Lookup
D) Vertical Link
Answer: A) Vertical Lookup
Question: Which of the following is an example of proactive time management?

A) Waiting for deadlines
B) Prioritizing tasks
C) Delaying responses
D) Multi-tasking
Answer: B) Prioritizing tasks
Question: What is the purpose of using blind carbon copy (BCC) in email communication?

A) To hide recipients' addresses
B) To emphasize important points
C) To mark the email as confidential
D) To encrypt the message
Answer: A) To hide recipients' addresses
Question: Which software is commonly used for creating presentations?

A) Photoshop
B) Excel
C) PowerPoint
D) Word
Answer: C) PowerPoint
Question: What does the acronym PDF stand for?

A) Portable Document Format
B) Personal Data File
C) Print Document Form
D) Program Design File
Answer: A) Portable Document Format
Question: In project management, what is the critical path?

A) The longest sequence of activities
B) The easiest tasks
C) Any path with critical tasks
D) The shortest path to completion
Answer: A) The longest sequence of activities
Question: What is the purpose of an agenda in a meeting?

A) To record meeting minutes
B) To outline topics and goals
C) To assign blame for issues
D) To share personal updates
Answer: B) To outline topics and goals
Question: What is the recommended font style for professional documents?

A) Comic Sans
B) Times New Roman
C) Arial
D) Courier New
Answer: B) Times New Roman
Question: What is the primary function of a firewall in a computer network?

A) Speed up internet connection
B) Block unauthorized access
C) Create backups
D) Monitor email activity
Answer: B) Block unauthorized access
Question: What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis in business?

A) Summarizing Work Objectives and Tasks
B) Identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
C) Selecting Winning Operational Techniques
D) Setting Weekly Objectives and Targets
Answer: B) Identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
Question: Which communication channel is synchronous?

A) Email
B) Instant messaging
C) Voice message
D) Letter
Answer: B) Instant messaging
Question: What does the term "CC" in email stand for?

A) Carbon Copy
B) Courtesy Copy
C) Common Communication
D) Centralized Correspondence
Answer: A) Carbon Copy
Question: In financial accounting, what does ROI stand for?

A) Return on Investment
B) Revenue from Operations and Investments
C) Rate of Interest
D) Relative Operating Income
Answer: A) Return on Investment
Question: What is the purpose of version control software?

A) Manage employee attendance
B) Track changes in documents
C) Calculate financial projections
D) Schedule project meetings
Answer: B) Track changes in documents
Question: What is the purpose of a Gantt chart in project management?

A) Budget tracking
B) Time estimation
C) Visualizing project timelines
D) Resource allocation
Answer: C) Visualizing project timelines
Question: Which of the following is an ergonomic workspace practice?

A) Using a high-back chair
B) Placing the monitor at eye level
C) Avoiding breaks
D) Dim lighting
Answer: B) Placing the monitor at eye level
Question: What is the first step in the decision-making process?

A) Implementing decisions
B) Identifying alternatives
C) Evaluating outcomes
D) Recognizing the need for a decision
Answer: D) Recognizing the need for a decision
Question: What is the purpose of a company's mission statement?

A) Detailing financial goals
B) Outlining strategic objectives
C) Listing employee responsibilities
D) Describing daily operations
Answer: B) Outlining strategic objectives
Question: In customer service, what does SLA stand for?

A) Service Level Agreement
B) Service Line Assessment
C) Sales Lead Analysis
D) Supportive Liaison Agreement
Answer: A) Service Level Agreement


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