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Jss1 third Term security education past questions and answers

Jss1 third Term security education past questions and answers

Question: What does the term "cybersecurity" refer to?

A) Protecting physical assets
B) Protecting digital assets
C) Protecting natural resources
D) Protecting historical artifacts
Answer: B) Protecting digital assets
Question: Which of the following is an example of a strong password?

A) 123456
B) Password123
C) BlueSky$98
D) ABCDabcd
Answer: C) BlueSky$98
Question: What is the purpose of antivirus software?

A) Protect against physical theft
B) Safeguard against computer viruses
C) Secure online financial transactions
D) Enhance internet speed
Answer: B) Safeguard against computer viruses
Question: What is a firewall used for in computer security?

A) Detecting viruses
B) Monitoring internet speed
C) Filtering and controlling network traffic
D) Organizing files and folders
Answer: C) Filtering and controlling network traffic
Question: How often should you update your passwords for online accounts?

A) Every month
B) Once a year
C) Only when prompted
D) Every three to six months
Answer: D) Every three to six months
Question: What is phishing?

A) A fishing technique
B) A type of computer virus
C) Attempting to deceive people to gain sensitive information
D) A type of firewall
Answer: C) Attempting to deceive people to gain sensitive information
Question: Why is it important to log out of your accounts on shared computers?

A) To save energy
B) To protect against unauthorized access
C) To increase internet speed
D) To improve computer performance
Answer: B) To protect against unauthorized access
Question: What is two-factor authentication (2FA)?

A) Using two different passwords
B) Providing two forms of identification
C) Accessing accounts from two different devices
D) Combining a password with a secondary verification method
Answer: D) Combining a password with a secondary verification method
Question: Which of the following is an example of a physical security measure for a computer?

A) Installing antivirus software
B) Using a password manager
C) Placing a computer in a locked room
D) Regularly updating software
Answer: C) Placing a computer in a locked room
Question: What does the acronym "VPN" stand for?

A) Virtual Private Network
B) Very Personal Network
C) Visual Processing Node
D) Verified Personal Network
Answer: A) Virtual Private Network
Question: Why should you be cautious about sharing personal information online?

A) To prevent computer viruses
B) To avoid spam emails
C) To protect against identity theft and privacy breaches
D) To improve internet speed
Answer: C) To protect against identity theft and privacy breaches
Question: What is the purpose of a backup?

A) Speeding up the computer
B) Storing extra copies of important data in case of loss or damage
C) Blocking unauthorized access
D) Removing viruses from the system
Answer: B) Storing extra copies of important data in case of loss or damage
Question: What is social engineering in the context of cybersecurity?

A) Building social networks online
B) Manipulating people to divulge confidential information
C) Creating social media accounts
D) Enhancing interpersonal skills
Answer: B) Manipulating people to divulge confidential information
Question: How can you identify a secure website?

A) It has a catchy domain name
B) It starts with "https://" and has a padlock symbol
C) It has colorful graphics
D) It loads quickly
Answer: B) It starts with "https://" and has a padlock symbol
Question: What is the purpose of software updates?

A) Increasing computer speed
B) Enhancing user interface
C) Fixing security vulnerabilities and improving functionality
D) Adding new features
Answer: C) Fixing security vulnerabilities and improving functionality
Question: When using public Wi-Fi, why is it advisable to use a VPN?

A) To boost internet speed
B) To protect against physical theft
C) To secure data transmission over the network
D) To minimize computer crashes
Answer: C) To secure data transmission over the network
Question: What is the purpose of a password manager?

A) Increasing internet speed
B) Generating and storing complex passwords securely
C) Protecting against physical theft
D) Improving computer performance
Answer: B) Generating and storing complex passwords securely
Question: What is malware?

A) A type of computer hardware
B) Malicious software designed to harm or exploit
C) A computer programming language
D) A computer security feature
Answer: B) Malicious software designed to harm or exploit
Question: What is the importance of user awareness in cybersecurity?

A) Improving computer aesthetics
B) Enhancing typing speed
C) Reducing the risk of security breaches through informed user behavior
D) Boosting internet connectivity
Answer: C) Reducing the risk of security breaches through informed user behavior
Question: How can you recognize a potential phishing email?

A) It has a professional appearance
B) It contains urgent language and requests sensitive information
C) It is from a known contact
D) It has a lot of colorful graphics
Answer: B) It contains urgent language and requests sensitive information.


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