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Jss1 third Term PHE past questions and answers

Jss1 third Term PHE past questions and answers

Physical and Health Education (PHE) questions for JSS1, along with options and answers:

What is the purpose of warming up before physical activity?
A) To cool down the body
B) To prevent injuries and improve performance
C) To tire out the muscles
D) To increase body weight
Answer: B) To prevent injuries and improve performance

Which of the following is a type of anaerobic exercise?
A) Jogging
B) Weightlifting
C) Cycling
D) Yoga
Answer: B) Weightlifting

What is the primary role of carbohydrates in the diet?
A) To provide quick energy
B) To build strong muscles
C) To aid digestion
D) To improve vision
Answer: A) To provide quick energy

Which of the following is a team sport that involves hitting a ball over a net?
A) Basketball
B) Volleyball
C) Swimming
D) Gymnastics
Answer: B) Volleyball

How many bones are there in the human adult body?
A) 50
B) 206
C) 100
D) 300
Answer: B) 206

What is the importance of stretching exercises in a workout routine?
A) They increase body weight
B) They improve cardiovascular endurance
C) They help improve flexibility and prevent injury
D) They have no impact on fitness
Answer: C) They help improve flexibility and prevent injury

In a long-distance race, such as a marathon, the distance typically covered is approximately:
A) 5 kilometers
B) 10 kilometers
C) 21.1 kilometers (half-marathon)
D) 42.2 kilometers (full marathon)
Answer: D) 42.2 kilometers (full marathon)

Which of the following is an example of an aerobic exercise?
A) Weightlifting
B) Sprinting
C) Yoga
D) Cycling
Answer: D) Cycling

What is the main function of the circulatory system?
A) To breathe
B) To digest food
C) To transport blood throughout the body
D) To provide structure and support
Answer: C) To transport blood throughout the body

What is the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables for a balanced diet?
A) 0 servings
B) 1 serving
C) 5 or more servings
D) 10 servings
Answer: C) 5 or more servings

In a game of table tennis, how many points are needed to win a standard set?
A) 5 points
B) 11 points
C) 21 points
D) 25 points
Answer: B) 11 points

Which of the following is an essential nutrient for the body?
A) Soda
B) Sugary snacks
C) Water
D) Chips
Answer: C) Water

What is the importance of good posture in everyday life?
A) It has no impact on health
B) It can help prevent back pain and maintain healthy muscles and bones
C) It makes you look taller
D) It improves digestion
Answer: B) It can help prevent back pain and maintain healthy muscles and bones

What is the primary function of the skeletal system?
A) To pump blood
B) To store food
C) To provide structure and support
D) To exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
Answer: C) To provide structure and support

In a game of soccer, what is the duration of each half in a standard match?
A) 20 minutes
B) 45 minutes
C) 60 minutes
D) 90 minutes
Answer: B) 45 minutes

What is the purpose of cooldown exercises after physical activity?
A) To get a second wind
B) To increase heart rate
C) To prevent muscle soreness and promote recovery
D) To build muscle mass
Answer: C) To prevent muscle soreness and promote recovery

What is the importance of handwashing in maintaining good hygiene?
A) It has no impact on health
B) It can help prevent the spread of diseases and infections
C) It makes hands smell nice
D) It improves vision
Answer: B) It can help prevent the spread of diseases and infections

In a game of badminton, how many players are on each side of the net?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Answer: B) 2

Which of the following is an example of an endurance exercise?
A) Weightlifting
B) Sprinting
C) Jumping jacks
D) Long-distance running
Answer: D) Long-distance running

What is the recommended daily intake of water for good hydration?
A) 1 liter
B) 2 liters
C) 5 liters
D) It varies depending on age, climate, and activity level
Answer: D) It varies depending on age, climate, and activity level


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