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Jigawa State College of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

Jigawa State College of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

Here they are;

What is the purpose of a sphygmomanometer in nursing practice?
A) Measuring body temperature
B) Assessing respiratory rate
C) Monitoring oxygen saturation
D) Measuring blood pressure
Answer: D) Measuring blood pressure

Which of the following is a common sign of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients?
A) Increased thirst
B) Elevated blood sugar levels
C) Cold, clammy skin
D) Rapid, deep respirations
Answer: C) Cold, clammy skin

In wound care, what is the primary goal of a wet-to-dry dressing?
A) Promote moisture retention
B) Minimize bacterial growth
C) Facilitate wound debridement
D) Accelerate wound healing
Answer: C) Facilitate wound debridement

What does the acronym "HIV" stand for in healthcare?
A) Human Influenza Virus
B) High Immune Vaccination
C) Human Immunodeficiency Virus
D) Hyperactive Immune Vector
Answer: C) Human Immunodeficiency Virus

When caring for a patient with a urinary catheter, what is a critical aspect of maintaining catheter hygiene?
A) Emptying the catheter bag daily
B) Cleaning the catheter tubing with alcohol
C) Keeping the catheter bag above the level of the bladder
D) Changing the catheter every 12 hours
Answer: C) Keeping the catheter bag above the level of the bladder

What is the primary function of the spleen in the human body?
A) Blood filtration and storage of platelets
B) Digestion of food
C) Regulation of body temperature
D) Oxygen transport
Answer: A) Blood filtration and storage of platelets

What does the acronym "CVA" stand for in the context of nursing and healthcare?
A) Cardiovascular Assessment
B) Cerebral Vascular Accident
C) Central Venous Access
D) Critical Vascular Assessment
Answer: B) Cerebral Vascular Accident

Which type of isolation precautions should be implemented for a patient with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection?
A) Standard precautions
B) Contact isolation
C) Airborne isolation
D) Droplet isolation
Answer: B) Contact isolation

What is the primary role of the nurse when assisting a patient with informed consent for a surgical procedure?
A) Explaining the details of the procedure to the patient
B) Obtaining the patient's signature on the consent form
C) Scheduling the surgical procedure
D) Administering preoperative medications
Answer: B) Obtaining the patient's signature on the consent form

Which of the following statements is true regarding the concept of "cultural competence" in nursing practice?
A) It involves a one-size-fits-all approach to patient care.
B) It emphasizes understanding and respecting the cultural beliefs and values of diverse patient populations.
C) It promotes cultural stereotypes and biases in healthcare.
D) It is only relevant in specific geographic regions.
Answer: B) It emphasizes understanding and respecting the cultural beliefs and values of diverse patient populations.

What is the primary function of the PQRST acronym in cardiac assessment?
A) Measuring blood pressure
B) Assessing respiratory rate
C) Evaluating cardiac rhythm and chest pain
D) Identifying skin color changes
Answer: C) Evaluating cardiac rhythm and chest pain

In psychiatric nursing, what is the primary goal of a safety plan for a patient at risk of self-harm?
A) Prescribing psychotropic medications
B) Providing one-on-one supervision
C) Creating a supportive therapeutic environment
D) Ensuring patient confidentiality
Answer: B) Providing one-on-one supervision

What is the primary purpose of the "SBAR" communication tool in healthcare?
A) A bedside assessment of the patient's condition
B) A standardized format for reporting patient information to other healthcare providers
C) A device for measuring blood oxygen levels
D) A code for emergency situations
Answer: B) A standardized format for reporting patient information to other healthcare providers

What is the primary function of the kidneys in the human body?
A) Regulation of body temperature
B) Oxygen transport
C) Filtration of blood and maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance
D) Production of digestive enzymes
Answer: C) Filtration of blood and maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance

Which of the following is a common sign of sepsis in a patient?
A) Decreased heart rate
B) Hypotension (low blood pressure)
C) Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
D) Normal body temperature
Answer: B) Hypotension (low blood pressure)

What is the primary purpose of a code of ethics in nursing?
A) Establishing hospital policies
B) Guiding ethical decision-making and professional conduct
C) Standardizing nursing procedures
D) Promoting competition among healthcare providers
Answer: B) Guiding ethical decision-making and professional conduct

When caring for a patient with a chest tube, what is the nurse's priority action if the chest tube becomes dislodged or disconnected?
A) Clamp the chest tube
B) Assess the patient's vital signs and respiratory status
C) Reconnect the chest tube to the drainage system
D) Administer pain medication
Answer: B) Assess the patient's vital signs and respiratory status

In pediatric nursing, which age group typically falls under the "toddler" category?
A) Newborn to 6 months
B) 6 months to 2 years
C) 2 to 6 years
D) 6 to 12 years
Answer: B) 6 months to 2 years

What does the acronym "UTI" stand for in healthcare?
A) Urinary Tract Infection
B) Upper Throat Infection
C) Upper Torso Irritation
D) Uterine Tumor Infiltration
Answer: A) Urinary Tract Infection

What is the primary purpose of a peak flow meter in respiratory care?
A) Measuring oxygen saturation
B) Monitoring blood pressure
C) Assessing respiratory rate
D) Measuring peak expiratory flow rate to assess asthma control
Answer: D) Measuring peak expiratory flow rate to assess asthma control


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