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Fine arts junior waec exam questions

Fine arts junior waec exam questions

Here are 20 practical questions:

What is the term for the technique of shading in fine arts to create the illusion of depth?
A) Stippling
B) Cross-hatching
C) Impasto
D) Pointillism

Which art movement is known for its use of bold, vibrant colors and distorted forms?
A) Cubism
B) Impressionism
C) Fauvism
D) Surrealism

Who painted the famous artwork "Starry Night"?
A) Vincent van Gogh
B) Pablo Picasso
C) Leonardo da Vinci
D) Michelangelo

In sculpture, what is the term for the process of removing material, often stone or wood, to create a three-dimensional form?
A) Modeling
B) Casting
C) Carving
D) Assemblage

Which of the following is a primary color in the subtractive color model?
A) Red
B) Green
C) Yellow
D) Blue

Who is considered one of the pioneers of the Pop Art movement and is known for his Campbell's Soup Cans series?
A) Jackson Pollock
B) Andy Warhol
C) Georgia O'Keeffe
D) Frida Kahlo

What is the term for a painting technique that involves applying wet paint to a wet surface, allowing colors to blend and create soft transitions?
A) Glazing
B) Sgraffito
C) Alla prima
D) Dry brushing

Which art movement is characterized by the use of everyday objects and materials in art, often with a focus on consumer culture?
A) Abstract Expressionism
B) Minimalism
C) Dada
D) Pop Art

In architecture, what style is known for its pointed arches and ribbed vaults, often seen in cathedrals and churches?
A) Gothic
B) Renaissance
C) Baroque
D) Modernist

What is the term for a piece of art created by assembling various found objects, often in a collage-like fashion?
A) Sculpture
B) Mosaic
C) Assemblage
D) Fresco

What art medium involves the use of melted wax to create colorful images, often associated with elaborate designs on cloth?
A) Watercolor
B) Acrylic painting
C) Batik
D) Fresco

Who is known for his iconic "The Persistence of Memory" painting featuring melting clocks?
A) Salvador Dali
B) Pablo Picasso
C) Vincent van Gogh
D) Claude Monet

In which country did the Impressionist art movement originate during the late 19th century?
A) Italy
B) France
C) Spain
D) Germany

Which of the following is a sculpture technique that involves adding material, such as clay, to create a three-dimensional form?
A) Carving
B) Modeling
C) Casting
D) Chiseling

Who is famous for his mural "The Last Supper," which is located in the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy?
A) Leonardo da Vinci
B) Michelangelo
C) Raphael
D) Donatello

What art movement aimed to depict ordinary life and people, often in a realistic and detailed style?
A) Surrealism
B) Cubism
C) Realism
D) Abstract Expressionism

In the color wheel, which color is complementary to green?
A) Red
B) Blue
C) Yellow
D) Orange

Who is known for her self-portraits and is considered one of the most influential female artists of the 20th century?
A) Frida Kahlo
B) Georgia O'Keeffe
C) Mary Cassatt
D) Joan Miró

Which architectural style is characterized by its use of domes, arches, and ornate decorations and is often associated with ancient Rome and Greece?
A) Gothic
B) Baroque
C) Classical
D) Rococo

What term describes the technique of creating an artwork by arranging and gluing various pieces of paper or other materials onto a surface?
A) Collage
B) Fresco
C) Etching
D) Monotype


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