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Ezeala School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

Ezeala School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

Here they are;

In nursing, what does "DVT" stand for?
a) Deep Venous Thrombosis
b) Decreased Vital Tolerance
c) Delayed Ventilation Test
d) Diagnostic Vascular Technique
Answer: a) Deep Venous Thrombosis

Which of the following is an example of an isotonic solution commonly used in intravenous (IV) therapy?
a) Normal saline (0.9% NaCl)
b) Hypertonic saline (3% NaCl)
c) Dextrose 5% in water (D5W)
d) Lactated Ringer's solution
Answer: a) Normal saline (0.9% NaCl)

What is the primary purpose of incentive spirometry in nursing care?
a) To assess oxygen saturation
b) To encourage deep breathing and prevent atelectasis
c) To monitor blood pressure
d) To measure the patient's cognitive function
Answer: b) To encourage deep breathing and prevent atelectasis

When administering medications to a pediatric patient, what should a nurse consider?
a) Administer adult dosages based on weight
b) Use the same dosage calculations as for adult patients
c) Calculate dosages based on the child's weight and age
d) Rely solely on the parent's assessment of the child's condition
Answer: c) Calculate dosages based on the child's weight and age

What is the primary purpose of a nursing handoff report?
a) To bill patients for medical services
b) To provide a summary of a patient's medical history
c) To communicate essential patient information during shift change
d) To conduct physical assessments of the patient
Answer: c) To communicate essential patient information during shift change

In the context of nursing, what does "PPE" stand for?
a) Personal Protective Equipment
b) Patient Pain Evaluation
c) Peripheral Pulse Examination
d) Physical Patient Education
Answer: a) Personal Protective Equipment

What is the primary responsibility of a nurse in the "assessment" phase of the nursing process?
a) Administering medications
b) Establishing a therapeutic relationship with the patient
c) Gathering information about the patient's health status
d) Developing a care plan
Answer: c) Gathering information about the patient's health status

When assessing a patient's skin, which term describes an area of localized damage to the skin and underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence?
a) Ulcer
b) Ecchymosis
c) Petechiae
d) Erythema
Answer: a) Ulcer

Which organization is responsible for accrediting healthcare facilities in the United States?
a) WHO (World Health Organization)
b) ANA (American Nurses Association)
c) CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)
d) CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Answer: c) CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)

What is the primary purpose of the "code blue" emergency in a healthcare setting?
a) To call for housekeeping services
b) To report a fire in the facility
c) To request additional medical supplies
d) To summon emergency medical assistance for a patient in cardiac arrest
Answer: d) To summon emergency medical assistance for a patient in cardiac arrest

In the context of infection control, what does "MRSA" stand for?
a) Methicillin-Resistant Streptococcus Aureus
b) Medical-Related Skin Ailment
c) Multiple Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
d) Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
Answer: d) Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

Which of the following positions is commonly used to assess and perform procedures on the female reproductive system?
a) Sims position
b) High Fowler's position
c) Trendelenburg position
d) Supine position
Answer: a) Sims position

What is the primary goal of the "5 Rights of Medication Administration" in nursing practice?
a) To ensure the patient's right to refuse medication
b) To verify the patient's identity
c) To prevent medication errors
d) To document medication administration
Answer: c) To prevent medication errors

When caring for a patient with a urinary catheter, what is the primary purpose of the catheter drainage bag?
a) To store extra urine for laboratory analysis
b) To collect and measure urine output
c) To prevent urinary tract infections
d) To secure the catheter in place
Answer: b) To collect and measure urine output

What is the purpose of a "bedside handoff" in nursing practice?
a) To transfer a patient to a different unit
b) To provide a report on the patient's condition during shift change
c) To administer medications at the bedside
d) To clean the patient's bedside area
Answer: b) To provide a report on the patient's condition during shift change

What is the primary role of a nurse in the "evaluation" phase of the nursing process?
a) Administering medications
b) Making a nursing diagnosis
c) Reassessing the patient's response to interventions
d) Documenting patient complaints
Answer: c) Reassessing the patient's response to interventions

What is the term for a localized collection of pus in a cavity formed by tissue disintegration?
a) Erythema
b) Abscess
c) Exudate
d) Hematoma
Answer: b) Abscess

When assessing a patient's respiratory status, what should a nurse pay close attention to?
a) Heart rate
b) Blood pressure
c) Oxygen saturation (SpO2)
d) Urine output
Answer: c) Oxygen saturation (SpO2)

What is the term for a surgical procedure to remove a portion of a patient's stomach to promote weight loss?
a) Appendectomy
b) Gastric bypass
c) Hip replacement
d) Tonsillectomy
Answer: b) Gastric bypass


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