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ECWA School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

ECWA School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

What is the primary purpose of a nasogastric (NG) tube?
a) Administering medications
b) Providing oxygen therapy
c) Monitoring blood pressure
d) Feeding and decompressing the stomach
Answer: d) Feeding and decompressing the stomach

Which of the following is a non-verbal communication technique commonly used in nursing care?
a) Giving feedback
b) Providing reassurance
c) Touching the patient
d) Providing education
Answer: c) Touching the patient

In the context of nursing documentation, what does "SOAP" stand for?
a) Standard Observation Assessment Plan
b) Subjective Objective Assessment Plan
c) Symptoms Observation Analysis Prescription
d) Standard Observation Assessment Protocol
Answer: b) Subjective Objective Assessment Plan

When should a nurse assess a patient's pain level?
a) Only when requested by the patient
b) During every shift change
c) At regular intervals according to the nursing care plan
d) Only when the patient is visibly in distress
Answer: c) At regular intervals according to the nursing care plan

What is the purpose of the "RACE" acronym in nursing practice?
a) To assess a patient's mental status
b) To respond to a fire emergency
c) To manage acute pain
d) To evaluate a patient's response to medications
Answer: b) To respond to a fire emergency

Which type of medication route involves delivering medication directly into the bloodstream?
a) Intramuscular (IM)
b) Oral (PO)
c) Subcutaneous (SC)
d) Intravenous (IV)
Answer: d) Intravenous (IV)

When assessing a patient's respiratory status, what should a nurse pay close attention to?
a) Heart rate
b) Blood pressure
c) Oxygen saturation (SpO2)
d) Urine output
Answer: c) Oxygen saturation (SpO2)

What is the purpose of a "bedside handoff" in nursing practice?
a) To transfer a patient to a different unit
b) To provide a report on the patient's condition during shift change
c) To administer medications at the bedside
d) To clean the patient's bedside area
Answer: b) To provide a report on the patient's condition during shift change

Which of the following is a common symptom of hypoglycemia?
a) High blood sugar levels
b) Increased thirst
c) Rapid, shallow breathing
d) Shakiness, sweating, and confusion
Answer: d) Shakiness, sweating, and confusion

What is the primary responsibility of a nurse in the "implementation" phase of the nursing process?
a) Making a nursing diagnosis
b) Setting patient goals
c) Administering nursing interventions and treatments
d) Collecting data
Answer: c) Administering nursing interventions and treatments

In the context of infection control, what does "CDC" stand for?
a) Center for Disease Control and Prevention
b) Communicable Disease Control
c) Clinical Data Collection
d) Certified Disease Containment
Answer: a) Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Which type of dressing is often used for wounds with minimal exudate?
a) Alginate dressing
b) Hydrocolloid dressing
c) Transparent film dressing
d) Foam dressing
Answer: c) Transparent film dressing

What is the primary purpose of a spirometer in nursing care?
a) Measuring blood pressure
b) Assessing bowel sounds
c) Monitoring oxygen saturation
d) Evaluating lung function and encouraging deep breathing
Answer: d) Evaluating lung function and encouraging deep breathing

What is the primary role of the nurse in the "evaluation" phase of the nursing process?
a) Assessing the patient's vital signs
b) Making a nursing diagnosis
c) Reassessing the patient's response to interventions
d) Documenting patient complaints
Answer: c) Reassessing the patient's response to interventions

What is the primary goal of suctioning a patient's airway?
a) Administering oxygen
b) Removing excess fluid from the lungs
c) Maintaining oral hygiene
d) Clearing secretions and maintaining airway patency
Answer: d) Clearing secretions and maintaining airway patency

In the context of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), what does "MRSA" stand for?
a) Methicillin-Resistant Streptococcus Aureus
b) Medical-Related Skin Ailment
c) Multiple Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
d) Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
Answer: d) Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

Which of the following is a common side effect of opioid medications?
a) Hypertension
b) Respiratory depression
c) Increased alertness
d) Decreased appetite
Answer: b) Respiratory depression

When caring for a patient with a nasogastric (NG) tube, what should the nurse do to prevent complications?
a) Elevate the head of the bed to 45 degrees during feeding
b) Flush the NG tube with cold water
c) Use a large-diameter NG tube for better drainage
d) Remove the NG tube during meals
Answer: a) Elevate the head of the bed to 45 degrees during feeding

What is the term for the process of examining the abdomen by listening for bowel sounds using a stethoscope?
a) Palpation
b) Percussion
c) Inspection
d) Auscultation
Answer: d) Auscultation

What does the acronym "IV" stand for in nursing practice?
a) Infection Verification
b) Intravenous
c) Internal Vascular
d) Insulin Verification
Answer: b) Intravenous

Add 20 more

Certainly, here are 20 more general nursing questions with options and answers:

What is the primary purpose of a "code blue" in a healthcare setting?
a) To call a hospital meeting
b) To order additional medical supplies
c) To summon a rapid response team for a patient emergency
d) To schedule elective surgeries
Answer: c) To summon a rapid response team for a patient emergency

In nursing, what does "CVA" stand for?
a) Cardiovascular Assessment
b) Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke)
c) Central Venous Access
d) Chronic Viral Ailment
Answer: b) Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke)

Which nursing intervention is essential when caring for a patient with a central venous catheter (CVC)?
a) Maintain strict isolation precautions
b) Use the CVC for blood pressure measurements
c) Keep the CVC site clean and sterile
d) Encourage the patient to move the catheter frequently
Answer: c) Keep the CVC site clean and sterile

What is the primary purpose of the "SBAR" communication technique in healthcare?
a) To document vital signs
b) To communicate patient information clearly and concisely
c) To administer medications
d) To obtain informed consent for procedures
Answer: b) To communicate patient information clearly and concisely

When administering medications, what should a nurse do if a patient questions the medication's identity or dosage?
a) Ignore the patient's concerns and proceed with administration
b) Recheck the order, medication, and patient identification
c) Ask the patient to administer the medication themselves
d) Consult with another nurse before administering the medication
Answer: b) Recheck the order, medication, and patient identification

What is the primary goal of the nursing diagnosis process?
a) To determine the patient's prognosis
b) To identify medical conditions
c) To establish a therapeutic relationship with the patient
d) To identify the patient's health problems and needs
Answer: d) To identify the patient's health problems and needs

In the context of wound healing, what is the term for the removal of dead or damaged tissue from a wound?
a) Evisceration
b) Debridement
c) Granulation
d) Hemostasis
Answer: b) Debridement

What is the primary goal of providing patient education in nursing practice?
a) To increase the length of hospital stay
b) To ensure the patient's compliance with treatment
c) To empower the patient to make informed decisions about their health
d) To limit communication with the patient
Answer: c) To empower the patient to make informed decisions about their health

What is the purpose of a "urinary catheter" in healthcare?
a) To collect blood samples
b) To administer medications
c) To monitor oxygen levels
d) To drain and measure urine output
Answer: d) To drain and measure urine output

When assessing a patient's nutritional status, what is the primary tool used to measure their body fat percentage?
a) Stethoscope
b) Blood pressure cuff
c) Body Mass Index (BMI)
d) Skinfold calipers
Answer: c) Body Mass Index (BMI)

What is the primary goal of "postoperative care" in nursing practice?
a) To prevent surgery from being performed
b) To assist the surgeon during the procedure
c) To provide care to a patient after a surgical procedure
d) To administer preoperative medications
Answer: c) To provide care to a patient after a surgical procedure

Which type of wound typically heals by secondary intention, involving granulation tissue formation?
a) Surgical incision
b) Abrasion
c) Puncture wound
d) Pressure ulcer
Answer: d) Pressure ulcer

In nursing, what does the acronym "DNR" stand for?
a) Doctor Not Required
b) Discharge Not Recommended
c) Do Not Resuscitate
d) Daily Nursing Report
Answer: c) Do Not Resuscitate

What is the primary purpose of the "Advance Directive" in healthcare?
a) To obtain informed consent for procedures
b) To document vital signs
c) To ensure the patient's insurance coverage
d) To express a patient's wishes regarding medical treatment if they become unable to make decisions
Answer: d) To express a patient's wishes regarding medical treatment if they become unable to make decisions

Which healthcare professional is responsible for interpreting medical images such as X-rays and MRIs?
a) Nurse
b) Radiologic Technologist
c) Respiratory Therapist
d) Phlebotomist
Answer: b) Radiologic Technologist

What is the primary goal of using a "therapeutic communication" approach in nursing care?
a) To entertain the patient
b) To establish a friendly relationship with the patient
c) To promote a healing and caring nurse-patient relationship
d) To complete documentation more efficiently
Answer: c) To promote a healing and caring nurse-patient relationship

In nursing care, what does "NANDA" stand for?
a) National Association for Nutrition and Dietetics Association
b) National Nursing Association for Data Assessment
c) Nursing Assessment Data Analysis
d) North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
Answer: d) North American Nursing Diagnosis Association

What does "IVPB" stand for in intravenous administration?
a) Intravenous Push Bolus
b) Intermittent Vascular Pressure Bag
c) Intravenous Peripheral Bolus
d) Intravenous Piggyback
Answer: d) Intravenous Piggyback


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