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Computer studies junior waec exam questions and answers

Computer studies junior waec exam questions and answers

Here are 20 computer studies exam questions with options and answers:

What does CPU stand for?
a) Central Processing Unit
b) Computer Peripheral Unit
c) Central Program Unit
d) Computer Power Unit
Answer: a) Central Processing Unit

Which programming language is often used for web development?
a) Java
b) C++
c) Python
Answer: d) HTML

What is the primary function of an operating system?
a) Playing games
b) Managing hardware and software resources
c) Sending emails
d) Creating spreadsheets
Answer: b) Managing hardware and software resources

Which protocol is used for sending emails?
b) FTP
d) TCP
Answer: c) SMTP

What does RAM stand for in a computer context?
a) Random Access Memory
b) Read-Only Memory
c) Redundant Array of Memory
d) Remote Access Module
Answer: a) Random Access Memory

Which programming paradigm emphasizes dividing a program into small, reusable functions?
a) Object-Oriented Programming
b) Procedural Programming
c) Functional Programming
d) Logical Programming
Answer: b) Procedural Programming

What does URL stand for?
a) Uniform Resource Locator
b) Universal Reference Link
c) Uniform Registered Link
d) Unified Resource List
Answer: a) Uniform Resource Locator

Which data structure follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle?
a) Queue
b) Stack
c) Linked List
d) Tree
Answer: b) Stack

In binary code, what does "1010" represent in decimal?
a) 5
b) 8
c) 10
d) 15
Answer: c) 10

Which programming language is often used for artificial intelligence and machine learning?
a) C#
b) Ruby
c) Python
d) Fortran
Answer: c) Python

What is the purpose of an IP address in networking?
a) Identifying a device on a network
b) Determining the device's brand
c) Specifying the device's color
d) Tracking the device's location
Answer: a) Identifying a device on a network

Which of the following is a commonly used database management system?
a) Photoshop
b) Microsoft Word
c) MySQL
d) Windows Explorer
Answer: c) MySQL

What is the primary function of a firewall in network security?
a) Blocking all incoming and outgoing traffic
b) Allowing all network traffic
c) Monitoring network performance
d) Filtering and controlling network traffic
Answer: d) Filtering and controlling network traffic

Which of the following is not an example of a high-level programming language?
a) Java
b) C++
c) Assembly language
d) Python
Answer: c) Assembly language

What is the purpose of a compiler in programming?
a) It is used for debugging code.
b) It translates source code into machine code.
c) It displays program output.
d) It manages databases.
Answer: b) It translates source code into machine code.

Which encryption method is commonly used to secure internet communication?
a) DES
b) ROT13
c) AES
d) Vigenère cipher
Answer: c) AES

What is the term for a software program that spreads itself from one computer to another without the user's knowledge?
a) Antivirus
b) Worm
c) Firewall
d) Browser
Answer: b) Worm

What is the purpose of the HTML <head> element in a web page?
a) It defines the main content of the page.
b) It specifies the page's background color.
c) It contains meta-information about the page.
d) It displays images on the page.
Answer: c) It contains meta-information about the page.

Which file extension is commonly associated with executable program files in Windows?
a) .doc
b) .exe
c) .jpg
d) .zip
Answer: b) .exe

What is the primary function of an IDE (Integrated Development Environment)?
a) Playing music
b) Writing code in binary
c) Assisting developers with software development tasks
d) Managing computer hardware
Answer: c) Assisting developers with software development tasks


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